Monday, September 20, 2010

Sept 20th

Hello All,

I meant to get on yesterday but I totally spaced it!! Yesterday was Jon & Jessi's first year anniversary!!! It is hard to believe that it has been a year already :) They seem to be as much in love as when they were just dating. They have just been through so much. Everyone knows that a first year is hard anyways without being diagnosed with cancer a month after they were married. So I just wanted to say a little something about them :) lol So today Shane took Jess to chemo for me over in Medford.. We were so happy to find out that she didn't need a spinal! She gets 1 month off after having 2 we found out so that was a very very nice surprise. So she just had a push chemo today, so they actually got home about 5 pm tonight. Shane said that she slept all the way home and she had a headache when she got here so she took some Advil and rested for about a half an hour before she headed home. I was worried about her driving but you all know how stubborn she can be so I was on pins and needles until she got home and text ed me. But I will let you all go. Thanks for checking in. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cindi,
    Please wish Jessi and Jon a belated (yet sincere!) Happy Anniversary! You are so right, Cindi. The first year(s) can be especially challenging and a time of major adjustment. What a strong, loving, and commited couple they obviously are to tackle this particular challenge head-on with such gusto, determination, and regard. What a special young couple!
    This is such good news about the spinal! Despite not knowing Jessi well, I have complete respect and admiration for this strong, young woman. You and your husband must be so proud!
    Continue to hang in there, call on your friends when you feel like it (hint, hint!), and keep strong faith in God.
    God bless all of you. :)
    Again more love, hugs, and countless prayers,
    Kimberley, Richard, and Morgan
