Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Oct 12th

Hi All,

Just a quick note to let you all know that we went in to the cancer center today to get Jess's blood drawn for her spinal on Monday. They always check certain levels before each spinal and they have told me why but to tell you the truth I just don't remember what for.... Sorry! So we got that done and then on Monday they have to be there bright and early at 8:15 am for her doctor appt, then IV chemo and then her spinal at 1:30..It is about an hour and a half trip over to Medford so it won't be to bad. Pat is taking the day off and taking her so that will be nice. So that is all for now..Thanks so much for checking in. Please keep Jess in your prayers and she continues her journey to full recovery. Love to all, Cindi

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cindi,
    Honestly, I can't remember what we had for dinner last night! So even trying to remember and file away all the information you've received since all this began is nothing short of a miracle! It's so nice that Pat can take the day off and take Jessi over there. As always, we shall continue praying and keeping Jessi and all of you near our hearts, in our prayers and positive thoughts. By the way, Jessi looked absolutely gorgeous at the volleyball match tonight! Ooo whee - she is quite the looker! =)
    Many prayers, warm and sincere hugs, and love,
    Kimberley, Richard, and Morgan
