Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dec 25th


Evening all! I hope that everyone had a very blessed Christmas! We had a really good day with the family even tho Robbie not being here sure made a hole.. :( Holidays are hard. He called yesterday for his Christmas and then this morning for ours..He is so sweet.. It makes me sad him not being here and I just wanted to hug him so bad.. He said that he is doing okay over there. If they would just keep him busy it would be so much easier for him.

Jess is still having it pretty rough. I think that her body is just tired of it all. Doctor said that they are going to call the main doctor in Portland to probably tone down this chemo.. It is just to much for her body to handle and I can sure tell it with how exhausted she is all of the time and just the look on her face. She goes in Monday morning for her blood draw so we will see how it is then. Then on the 10th it is IV chemo plus spinal chemo again :( Then on the 13th it is up to Portland for a blood draw and checkup. So hopefully everything starts getting a little easier for the two of my kids..

You all will probably get a kick out of this...We went in on Thurs for Shane to get his wisdom teeth checked and guess what? He has 6 that need to come out.. the oral surgeon was so surprised to see this and so were we..I asked Shane if he just wanted to join up with his siblings.. No wonder I have to get my hair colored all of the time.. lol Well I'm off for now. Thanks for checking in and please keep them in your prayers and send some positive energy. Love to all, Cindi

1 comment:

  1. Geez, chemo is terrible! I'm so glad that Jess is still with us, though! I just got a Christmas card from the good people at, who sent their personalized well wishes. They were so helpful with the fundraiser. I'm glad their website is doing so well.
