Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 12

Sorry I haven't been on lately...Time just gets away from me.. but everything has been going better..Jess has been getting over her sickness and her last Monday chemo...It seemed to really upset her stomach this time so I'm not sure what was up with that. But she has been riding her horse a lot more and I think that it helps because I'm riding now with her which is so good for both of us :) She got her hair cut and dyed with bright red in it and it looks so cute on her..and it also gave her a little pick me up so that is always helpful!

Rob is on his half way mark today...His hand is still yukky so I told him that he needs to go back to the doctor and have it rechecked.. It was so cool because he finally got the web cam that Jess & Jon got him for Christmas before he left hooked up so we actually got to talk to him face to face!! It made me bawl! It was so good to finally see him :)

Well I'm off for now. Please keep Rob and Jess in your prayers. Thanks so much for checking in..Love to all, Cindi

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cindi,
    I sincerely understand about time getting away! Try as I might, I always seem to be a bit behind. My thoughts, prayers, and love are sincere, but time definitely does seem to slip away!
    We're really glad to hear that Jess' cough and such is going away! We're all thinking that Jess riding her horse is a welcome sight and experience! God love her!
    We're thinking that Rob's hand injury has a purpose - in that, God has a definite plan for everything. We may not always understand or appreciate, but we should try and embrace His plan! I think everything works out for a reason.
    With much love, prayer, and big hugs,
    Kimberley, Richard, and Morgan =)
