Hi Everyone!!
Well last Tuesday's chemo went well... It was a short day so it wasn't to bad at all. Plus her blood levels were good so that makes me feel better. This was the end of this last prodicol so now we have to make a trip up to Portland. She has a big day of chemo on June 27th with the spinal and the IV and then Portland at the end of July. I put in a call to make the appt and they were going to check with the doctor to see if he wanted to do all of her scans again since it had been a year since the last ones. So I will let you know about that. Now we just have blood every other Monday to keep an eye on her liver.
Well Rob is getting very antsy. He said that they time is going so slow over there. I hate to see him so unhappy.. They still have never given him an exact date on when he is leaving. They aren't letting any of the military off of the base over there anymore because they have been having some problems with the locals so I'll be sure happy when he gets the heck out of there. But hopefully it will be about the 15th or sooner... We will then have a party here for him :)
Well I'm off for now. Thanks for checking in! Please keep them both in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi
Please let us know how it goes on June 27th! I still think about Jessica's health all the time, and her courage is inspirational.