Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December 30th

After I wrote the blog last night Jess started itching and before we knew it she was full of hives! I gave her two Benadryl and called the on call doctor who then asked if we had any steroids (which we did thankfully), then he told us to give her 40 mg. Jon rubbed Caladryl on it to help and she started to feel better. She slept pretty well for the night, but when I went in and checked on her later in the morning she had a nice size bruise on her back from the jackass doctor but at least it is only tender now. The doctor office from Medford kept calling because they wanted us to come back over there today for her to get a checkup today. Yeah right; we were not going back over there after what happened yesterday and with all the snow we had too. She stayed home and slept all day and didn't eat very much. She worries me. About an hour ago she had another hive what is causing this now? We will keep an eye on her and she might just end up in the ER. She just isn't feeling 100%. She is also really cold, hmm. Well, I will get off for now. I will let you know how she is tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers.

Love to call,

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Chemo Day, Dec 29th

Wow! I am so mad that I have given myself a headache and upset my stomach! We headed to Medford around 9 this morning and we just got home at 9! It started off okay. We went to the chemo place and had her blood drawn and met with the doctor and her counts have come up, so she didn't need to be given blood. He wants her to eat yogurt everyday to help with her intestines, they are also keeping her on antibiotics at least one more week for the infection. She then headed into the other room for chemo. One was an IV and the other was the pediatric chemo, with is 3 shots in the arm, which they put ice on first to help with the pain. They have never seen these shots before so they were a little worries so they wanted us to wait for an hour so they could check up on her and make sure that there wasn't a reaction. They also had us pickup an epi pen.

They said that they were going to call Rogue and let them know that we would be running a little late. We got over there and they were so slow Jess was a little anxious to get it over. They took her and I wait and wait...An hour later they wheel her in and as soon as she sees me she starts sobbing! This is the girl who hardly cries for anything! She said that the doctor had no manners and was rushing because it was late. He didn't even wait for the shots to numb before he inserted the needled into her spine. It was making her legs burn and feel like she was being shocked! She said that it was unbelievable. This poor girl has been through enough without this happening. I know that she should have screamed at him, but she always just "takes it." It made me so mad that I put a call into her doctor's office and told the doctor on call what had happened. I will be making a formal complaint tomorrow. I also told her RN and she was upset too. His name is Dr. Rao. I want everyone to know....Well, I will calm down and Jess is home laying on the couch. The RN gave her a couple of pain meds for the way home (which she has never needed before). She also took a couple of Tylenol on the way home for a headache. I will let you know how she is tomorrow. Please put in a couple of extra prayers for her today.

Love, Cindi

Timmothy's site

Hello All,

This is Laura...I just wanted to repost the link that my cousin, Tim, had posted in a comment a week or two ago.

He started this to help Jess and the family:

Please visit the site. Thanks!


Monday, December 28, 2009

December 28th

It was a long weekend and Jess now has chemo and the lumbar chemo tomorrow. She hasn't been feeling very well and with chemo happening tomorrow she is really upset. She (we) knew about the chemo, but the doctor said that there were not going to be anymore lumbar chemo done during this set and now they called and said there is. We have an appointment with the doctor after labs at 11:10 am and the lumbar isn't set until 2:00 pm, so I have time to find out if it is right. I will call Portland tomorrow, if I need to, to make sure. She has had a lot of pain in her abdomen and she also has been a little nauseous. She was finally able to get to sleep on her side on Saturday night-without hurting too bad, so she was happy. Her appetite has sure gone down, so I've really been trying to get her little nutritious snacks to help get her to eat. That is all for now. I will let you all know how she does tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers and send her your strength.

XOXO Cindi

Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 26th

Hope that everyone had a good Christmas :)

Hi all,

As I can see by the comments from the last blog; everyone wants us to keep it up. It was good to hear that from everyone because we don't usually hear from anyone and we wanted to make sure that people were still reading. Jess has been having a rough holiday. I guess her antibiotics haven't kicked the infection yet and she has bad pain every now and then. Her temp has been running okay; that has made me feel a little better about all of this, but it is hard to see her like this. We try to keep her eating and drinking strong throughout the day for energy and I make her things that I know she likes. I also got her a heating pad so she can put it on her stomach. That helps some. I am off for now.

Please keep her in your prayers.

Love to all,

Thursday, December 24, 2009

December 24th

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

We got Jess home last night after they gave her another unit of blood before they release her. That makes 7 units in 6 days! She is feeling very weak, but glad to be home. She still has bacteria in her system that we can all catch, so I brought a bunch of cleaning supplies and we are watching things closely. She is also checking her temperature throughout the day and drinking lots of fluids. We have to have her back in Medford on Tuesday now, since they weren't able to get her chemo done until then, I am sure it is because of the holidays. We are keeping close to home this Christmas season, so I hope that you all have a very happy holiday season. Please keep Jess in your prayers and drop me a note on here if you are getting on to read because I would hate for Laura and I to be doing this for Thanks!!

Love you all!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

December 22nd

I came home today for the night, if Jess has to stay until Christmas Eve, I will go back tomorrow. Shane had a game and I had to finish up some Christmas wrapping. I wouldn't have left, but Jess assured me that she was okay for the night and I needed to get my stuff done. The roads were horrible, but we made it safely :)

They are giving her meds to help coat her intestines. The doctor came in and said that at least her white count had gone up and her liver counts are looking better, but as he was leaving he stated that she needed blood today, so when I checked on her tonight she was on her second unit. Hopefully it will give her some strength and get her feeling better. The doctors also consulted with Portland and they are not going to give her chemo until next week. I'm sure glad that she is done with the oral chemo for now too. Well I am super tired and really cold. It is 14 outside. Please put in an extra prayer for her :)

Thanks Love,


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dec 21st

Hello to all,

Sorry, I haven't gotten back to you lately. It has been a crazy last two days! Jess was having chest pain, shortness of breath, severe pain in her abdomen, plus a high fever...when she called me yesterday. I told her to call her doctor in Medford and to head to the ER in Klamath where she checked in with a 103.8 temp! Before we knew it she was being air lifted to Medford. It was very stressful and upsetting for all of us. Jon headed out first so he could get over there and Shane and I waited for Jess to get loaded and then went over. As of today she still has a fever, 100.5, she usually runs 97. She also has pain in her abdomen. They did a CT scan and found that her intestines were very inflamed but they are also keeping an eye on her appendix, which could be affected by all of this. They are also keeping her on morphine for pain and antibiotics around the clock until they can get this under control. Her white blood count was extremely low, but has came up today. She was supposed be getting two rounds of IV chemo today, but they said that they are holding off for now. The doctor said that she could be in the hospital for 2-6 days; so I am trying to prepare for that. Please keep her in your prayers.

Love to all,

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Update Dec 20th

Sorry, Jess is in Medford.

Update from Cindi:

Jess is in Providence in Medford. She has been in lots of stomach pain. She still has a fever but it is down from Klamath. They just did a ultrasound and might do a ct scan. Put her on antibiotics and fluids. Not sure what is wrong yet. Are doing lots of tests. Doc came in and wasn't sure as of yet. Said that she could be in for 2-6 days. Just in how she responds. Please add her to your prayers! Love you all!

Prayers Needed Dec 20th!!

Hi All,

This is Laura. Aunt Cindi has been texting me and so I figured I should get something posted, to help Jessi with extra prayers today. She had an extremely high fever and body aches so they took her to Sky Lakes, in Klamath Falls. They are not sure what is wrong and she will be airlifted to OHSU, in Portland within the hour. Please keep positive thoughts and prayers up for the entire family. I know that they are all extremely stressed. As I hear, I will try to post updates.

Thank you,

Dec 19th

Hello All,

Jess has had a pretty good weekend so far. She is especially tired though, so it worries me about her blood being low again, but I told her to let me know if she started to get really tired like last week when it got so bad. She is also really cold, which is another indication. Shane had two basketball games this weekend and the doctor told her she could go as long as she sat up at the top, away from people, and had to wear her mask. It is hard for me to let her go, but I know she needs to be able to do things like that. It is good for her to be as normal as possible. It is really tough to watch her walk up the bleachers, especially when she tells me how hard it is to go up them. This is the girl that used to run up and down them for practice! I have bough her Special K and Boost drinks to help her to keep her strength up. She is only up for one day of chemo next week, so we are really excited and so is she, after the two long weeks of four day treatments. I will let you go and thank you so much for checking in. My nephew, Tim, has started a web page to help us out, please go and check it out and see all the great pictures :) Love to all!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dec 16th-17th, Two blogs in one

This is Laura-just wanted to let everyone know that I am sorry for getting to the posts late; especially this week with everything going on with Jess. I am in a different time zone and I am in bed sometimes by the time they are sent :)

Weds 16th

Thank you to my niece, Laura, who is always busy yet finds the time to do the blog for me! :) I love and miss her!

Well, I just made it back to the hotel in Medford. Robbie came over with me, thankfully, cause he didn't want me to drive to Medford by myself. It is about 1045 pm, when we left the hospital they were just hooking Jess up for another unit of blood. They are not sure what is going on, but something is going wrong with the blood that they put in yesterday, so they put two more units in today. Plus she had her regular chemo, oral chemo, and spinal chemo all today as well. The hospital in Portland is working on her blood too (it was sent to them yesterday). The doctor up there was going to call the blood bank to check on things. I am going to call OHSU tomorrow to see if they can fill me in on what is going on. With me going back and forth, from Klamath to Medford, I have missed seeing the doctor over here, so the kids have been telling me what is going on, but there are so many things discussed and they are also feeling so overwhelmed. I also want to check to see if they found if Shane is a match. I am exhausted and stressed to the max, so I am heading to a hot bath and bed.

Please put Jess in your prayers...Thank you so much and Love to all!


Thurs 17th

We just made it home from Medford. Jess ended up receiving 4 units of blood1 The doctor said that most people at that level can't even walk. My big, strong daughter!! :) Well, I just got a call from Portland. It was the head nurse, Claire, that we had up there, who is also doctor K's right hand man. We call him Dr K because he has a really hard name to say and write, lol. She says that he is following and advising with the doctor down in Medford and he really doesn't know why her blood has dropped this bad either. If she starts to feel like she did again, we need to call the doctor and get her levels checked sooner. Jess is still tired and cold, but doing better than the last few days. He said that we will go ahead as planned unless something comes up. She has chemo again on Monday; I wasn't planning on going, but with all of this going on I will just go over so that I can hear what is happening with her blood. Oh and guess what Claire had to say...Shane is a MATCH!! I was so excited and so was she :D She said like exactly too! So, if Jess happens to need marrow down the road they know that he will be the one...Well I am happy to be home and so so very tire. I might not write until Sunday, unless something happens (hopefully not!). I will have to catch up on some housework and Christmas stuff. Please keep Jess in your prayers.

Love to all,

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December 15th

Again...this is Laura posting what my aunt, Cindi, sends to my email. This is yesterday's update.

Well, I just got home and I am trying to relax. I thought that being at home and going to Medford would be so much nicer, but in a way it seems worse. I think it is because we have to do so much driving back and forth and all the stuff in between gets hard. Now with Jess in the hospital over there I have all this added stress. They are now thinking that the chemo is killing the red cells, which is normal, but for some reason her body is not trying to make any to help out...hmm. It is just crazy to see my daughter like this. I think that it is worse to me because she really doesn't say anything to me, but I can read it all in her eyes, when she looks at me and I want to be able to fix it for her, but can't. I just try to help give her my strength. She did receive two units of blood today before chemo. I am hoping it will help her. They don't want to slow down at all on the chemo because they are afraid the cancer may get into her blood and marrow. There is a shot to help her with her red blood cells, but it also helps the cancer cells grown too. Isn't it crazy?? So what are they going to do now? I really don't know for sure. They were hesitant to say when she is coming out of the hospital. Maybe tomorrow? Please continue your prayers for Jess. Love and God Bless, Cindi

Monday, December 14, 2009

We need prayers today :)

Hello All,

The weekend was pretty much uneventful, Jess felt about the same. Today we went to Medford for picc changes, blood work, and chemo. When they did her blood work, it came back somewhat alarming. She is severely anemic and her counts are low, she needs about 3 pints of blood. However, they also found that her body is attacking itself, we are not quite sure what it means at this point. They admitted her into the hospital in Medford, they are not giving her blood because her body would just attack it...she is stressed and scared and we are too, but putting on a positive face. Jon and Jess stayed at the Medford hospital. Robbie and I are driving back to Klamath so he can help take care of the animals with Shane (Pat is plowing snow; so he needs help), and I am getting clothes for everyone and plan on going back to Medford. Please keep Jess in your prayers, we are waiting to hear on the next plan of action. Medford had to consult with OHSU.

Thank you for reading and being so positive for all of us. We appreciate it.

Love to all,

Friday, December 11, 2009

December 11

It is snowing!! lol

Good evening! Not much to report again today. It was wonderful to just be able to rest. I am fighting a cold, so I am taking all kinds of anti-cold medicines, since I can't risk getting sick around Jess. She slept well and didn't get up until late this morning. She needed it after driving back and forth for 4 days of chemo. Her appetite is slowing down so I am trying to make sure that she eats and drinks enough. She has also been really cold lately, she is sitting by the fire right now :) When she was on steroids she was always hot so this is a big change. I need to get going; I have to check on dinner.

Love to all,

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 10th

Good Evening!

Not much to report today. Jess is still feeling about the same as yesterday. Maybe a little more tired and her appetite is starting to go down some. We are taking her temp a few times a day and she is drinking a lot. One of the new chemos is really hard on her bladder so she really needs to watch her fluid intake. She needs to drink lots of water (if I can get her to) Gatorade and vitamin water are good, but if she drinks caffeine, she has to drink twice as much water to compensate. Her potassium level is low so the doctor has put her on some potassium pills. That is all for now. Jess has the next 3 days off, so she (Jon and me too!) are super happy to be able to sleep in and take it easy. Thank you for all the prayers and positive energy being sent our way!

Love you guys :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

December 9th

Hi All!

Just got home from Medford again. Jess just had one chemo via IV today; it takes about an hour and a half with the pre-meds and setup. I usually read my book, watch tv, or get on the computer to kill the time. Still it makes for a super long day. Jessi is getting really wiped out, already from the last 3 days. The chemo is all different so far and she doesn't know what to expect from it. So far some of the side effects that she has had are chills, muscle aches, joint pain, and they have made her extremely tired. It seems like next week is going to be really long. It will be really nice to have the next two weeks, after next, of just one day a week IV chemo and then her pills and oral chemo. We will have to be back there tomorrow at 230, but at least we can try to sleep in. Thank goodness the roads aren't bad at all right now. Please keep her in your prayers and send positive energy her way :)


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 8th

We just got home from Medford, about 6 pm tonight. What a long day!! We had packed to spend the night, but Jess said she felt well enough to come home for the night. She had an IV and spinal chemo today. The spinal was done at Providence, Jess said she really liked them. She has to lie still for an hour or so after the procedure to make sure that she doesn't get a splitting headache. Everything seemed to go well today so we are all really happy. The doctor and nurses are just amazed at this protocol for chemo. I guess, because they have never really seen pediatric regiments before. They said they all got together to review it. Anyway, I'm off to Bonanza to watch Shane play some basketball. We have to be back in Medford by 230 tomorrow so that is really nice, we will be able to catch up on some rest. Please keep up the prayers and I send my love to all!!

XOXO Cindi

Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7th

Wow, wow, wow!

We left for Medford about 6 am and it is 2pm now and we know that we still have a couple of hours here. Plus we learned that we have 4 days of chemo in Medford in a row and then the same next week! Also, Jess will be having the lumbar (spinal) one again tomorrow! Whew! Just learned that we will be at Providence hospital for the lumbar, but will have to be here first at 930 am for chemo and blood tests. Not as bad as this morning though. She is a little nervous as this is a whole new regiment for her with different chemo and they aren't sure how it will affect her. She is also getting chemo orally, so we are all a little shell shocked. The good news is that it seems to be a wonderful facility and is certainly the nicest one that we have been to so far. She has her own tv, warm blankets, and snacks. So a little extra comfort. She deserves it though :) Please keep her in your prayers. It sure is going to be a long road.

God Bless!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 6th

Hi to all,

It was a cold snowy day today and tonight. Of course we have to head to Medford by 6 am tomorrow morn! But I'm sure that it will be okay. Jess slept well last night, but was feeling a little under the weather late in the day. We think that she has been doing a little too much lately and since she was cut back on some of her meds, we think her body needs some time to adjust. We will be sure to bring it up to the new doctor tomorrow morning. Please keep her in your prayers as she undergoes a new round of chemo.

Love to all,

Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 5th

Not much to report today. Just catching up around the house with laundry and ever present bills, lol! Jess has been feeling pretty well today. Eating well and doing a little exercising (walking around), just so she doesn't just sit. She said that the fresh air feels good. It is sure nice that she doesn't have as many pills to take and we are at home :) Jon still has to flush her picc daily to keep it open for the chemo. Anyways, I will talk atcha all tomorrow.

God bless and take care!
<3 Cindi xoxo

Friday, December 4, 2009

December 4th

Home finally!!

We had a good trip home today. We got up and ate breakfast around 8 and then finished getting ready to head back to Klamath. Jess ended up having a good night after having spent the day at the ER. The doctors from OHSU had called last night to check up on her, and then she called them this morning to let them know how she was feeling, before we could leave. She was also cut down on some of the meds she has been taking, that made her happy since she has been on so many. I meant to ask why, but I always have so much on my mind, I really need to write down my questions so I don't forget them all. lol. We start in Medford on Monday with a new doctor, so we will be able to ask more questions then. The doctors in Portland will be overseeing everything and we will have to be back up here in two months. They will do scans and tests to see where everything is at. That is all for now. We had a super long week and are all beat! Please keep up the prayers as she still has a long road ahead of us. Thank you for everything.

Love to all,

Thursday, December 3, 2009

December 3rd

Minor setback today!!!

We were all getting ready to leave and I wandered over to the kid's room to see how they were getting along and Jess was sitting on the edge of the tub with her feet in the water...I was like, "what is up now?" Jess said that she was having sharp pains in her feet along the top of her ankles. It started around 530 this morning and she got it to stop by soaking them in hot water. Then she was woken up a couple of hours later with it happening again so she called up the emergency numbers they gave her and they told her to go to the ER for a checkup. We went there and they thought that it might be clots or possibly a nerve from the procedure yesterday, but nothing for sure. They sent her home, but wanted us to stay in Portland for another night just in case something was wrong. We will have to call them back to let them know how she is doing. So I went and got us another two rooms for the night and then I called the Medford hospital, we will have to be there at 8 am!! Crazy! That is all for tonight. I will let you know how she is doing tomorrow.

Love to all,
Cindi xoxo

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December 2nd, Positive news

Hello All,

We left for the hospital about 7 am this morning and were there until about 6pm! Wow, what a day. I am really excited about what we heard today, but also concerned. The cancer that was in her liver, her uterus, and the other few hot spots in her abdomen are now gone! The mass in her face has shrunk, but still is a good size tumor. The doctor was happy, but then he said that her chance of total recovery in two years is 60 %, which still worried Pat and me. We have to stay positive and keep her in our prayers. I thanked God so much today for all of his help so far. This also means that we get to move to Medford for chemo. I have to call tomorrow morning to get it set up for next Monday. It is still going to be about the same amount of chemo. He said that we will go strong on this cancer. In two months we will come back to Portland to get her scans done and see how everything is going. Shane also had his blood drawn today. If he matches Jess at least 6 points out of 12 he will need to be back up in Portland for a lot more tests and various other things to see if he could be a donor. I need to get going. I am all worn out and we are trying to go home tomorrow.

Love you all,

December 1st

Sorry this is up late from last night!!

We were enjoying our Tuesday, hanging out and I went and cleaned the apartment that we had been staying in earlier, when Jess received a call from the hospital about the scan not coming out?!?! again?? I guess that we now have to head to the hospital early in the morning for ANOTHER scan and then she and Shane will have blood tests done about eleven, her lumber at 2:30 and then the Doctor hopefully after that! Unfortunately we made reservations to stay another night tomorrow because she won't feel like coming home after such a long day. Chemo and a 6 hour drive would be insane. I will let you know how tomorrow goes. Please keep her in your prayers.

Love to all,