Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dec 21st

Hello to all,

Sorry, I haven't gotten back to you lately. It has been a crazy last two days! Jess was having chest pain, shortness of breath, severe pain in her abdomen, plus a high fever...when she called me yesterday. I told her to call her doctor in Medford and to head to the ER in Klamath where she checked in with a 103.8 temp! Before we knew it she was being air lifted to Medford. It was very stressful and upsetting for all of us. Jon headed out first so he could get over there and Shane and I waited for Jess to get loaded and then went over. As of today she still has a fever, 100.5, she usually runs 97. She also has pain in her abdomen. They did a CT scan and found that her intestines were very inflamed but they are also keeping an eye on her appendix, which could be affected by all of this. They are also keeping her on morphine for pain and antibiotics around the clock until they can get this under control. Her white blood count was extremely low, but has came up today. She was supposed be getting two rounds of IV chemo today, but they said that they are holding off for now. The doctor said that she could be in the hospital for 2-6 days; so I am trying to prepare for that. Please keep her in your prayers.

Love to all,

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