Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7th

Hi All,

Jess had an amazing weekend. It was great to see her feeling this well. We did lots of stuff together. We went for walks, shopping, the home show, and she also rode her horse for the first time since this has all started. It was a great feeling. The weather was a little chilly at times, but for the most part it was really nice. Jess has to be in Medford tomorrow at 930 am to get her blood drawn, doctor visit, and then two rounds of IV chemo. She is going to ask, but is sure the doctor will bring up the information about the three shot (PEG) chemo. That is the one that she has had the horrible allergic reactions to. We will see what they say about it. Hopefully we don't see it again!!! She is supposed to have another spinal this week. That will make number 11...I think. I feel so bad about her getting it. It actually makes me sick to my stomach. I told her to see if she could have it on Thurs or Fri so I can go with her, since I don't have school those days. That is all for now. I will let you know how she does tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers.

Love, Cindi

P.S. The SEOPHC (South Oregon Paint Horse Club) is having a benefit show for Jess on March 27th at the Spring Lake Stables. There will be a show, silent auction, food, and lots of fun! So far I have heard that they have a plane ride around Crater Lake, gorgeous jewelery, and of course an awesome saddle donated from Big R for the silent auction. Please come stop by and check everything out. Jess is hoping to be on her horse Ricky visiting with everyone :) Please get a hold of Maureen Thomas or Kristy Federico for more information.


  1. Hi Cindi,
    Wow! What great news! I'll bet your weekend was fabulous! I'll bet a lot of this journey is disturbing and difficult to process, at least, but I'm so relieved to hear you had such a great weekend! We are always praying for Jess and all of you and know that God is guiding you through this tough challenge. Hang in there, keep your chin up, and look forward to more good times!
    Prayers always (and warm hugs, too!),
    Kimberley, Richard, and Morgan

  2. Great to hear some good news. Hey, check out this article about the cancer fighting properties of papaya:
