Saturday, July 31, 2010

July 31st

Well Jess just got done with her first week of chemo pills and steroids...Ive noticed that she seems a little more tired even though the steroids should be picking her up... But we know that her white blood count has been low so I would imagine that it is now after this last week. But we have to go in Monday to get it checked so that will be good... But also on Monday she has to take another chemo pill but it is only on Monday. It is actually the type of chemo that they put in her spine so this will be her first time taking it in pill form too. Wow, she sure has had a little bit of everything. It just seems to me and I'm sure to all of you that the maintenance schedule of chemo seems to be a little stiff. I had just figured that it would be easier on her... But I will sure let you guys all know what it up on Monday... Thanks so much for checking up on her. Please keep her in your prayers :) Love to all, Cindi

P.S. Since I know that a lot of you that read this is family I decided to put this on here too :) Thanks!

Bill & Maryann Kelly (maiden name Honeymann) are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this August 22nd. They were married at St Marys Church, New England, North Dakota. Bill retired from Burlington Northern and Maryann has been a stay at home mom. They have lived in Klamath County for the last 40 years. They are both members at St Pius X church, Knights of Columbus and Catholic Daughters. They have 4 children and 5 grandchildren. Come celebrate with them at Mia's & Pia's Pizzeria on Sunday August 22nd in the patio from 5-8pm. It is a no host party. Cake & punch will be served. In lieu of gifts, Bill & Maryann have asked for you to donate to their granddaughter Jessica Kelly-Unruh at South Valley Bank on 6th St in Klamath Falls who is battling Acute Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. Thank you!

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