Monday, July 5, 2010

July 5th

Good morning all, hope that you had a very good 4th. We went down to Jessi's in-laws and had a really good time. Nice little crowd, good food and lots of laughs :) Jess had a pretty good day. She couldn't get out there and play v-ball so that was a bummer cause I know how much she loves it but that it a little much right now. She did go down and get a gym membership so she can start working out when she can. So that is a good start with also riding her horse. He is a work out. Some people don't realize how much work goes into these pleasure horses. She is always tired after giving him a good workout. Yesterday Jess only started getting kinda sickly after taking her chemo pills. She is usually at home and takes them and heads to bed so we were thinking then she prolly doesn't notice them much that way. But she took them at the party last night cause she has to take them at the same time every night but last night they made her sick for the night. Not enough to throw up but that awful feeling so I felt bad for her. But other than that she had a good night. She can rest up today and then tomorrow we are back off to Medford and chemo... but after that hopefully no more until after we go to Portland!! :) Oh, and I think that she has 3 more days of pills..... not sure cause she kept going off of them when she wasn't doing good. Well I will let you all go. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cindi,
    Well, we're praying that things are going well for Jess in Medford today. Really sorry that those necessary chemo pills make her feel so sick. It sounds like she had an enjoyable holiday, despite not being able to actively participate in everything. At least she was able to go and visit with family and friends! Having a gym membership will give her another thing to look forward to when she's well again, so that is wonderful!
    All of you keep God close to you and remember to rely on Him for strength and comfort.
    Love, hugs (big ones!), and prayers,
    Kimberley, Richard, and Morgan :)
