Hey everyone!
Jess and Jon headed off to Medord this morning for blood work, doctor visit, two different IV chemos, and then a picc dressing change. I had to work and it killed me not going. I talked to Jess and she was fine with it as long as it was chemo that she already had, and as long as she wasn't having spinal chemo. Soo...I went to work and fretted...lol. They should have been home around 330, but she called me around 230 and said she had gotten sick over there. The doctor was giving her extra fluids to hopefully help with the headaches that she is still getting. Plus she had taken a nap after chemo for a little catchup so that put them a little behind; and she still had to get the dressing change which pushed them to be home around 600. Then the next three days she has to get IV chemo again. I will continue to go to work unless something comes up. Thanks for checking in. I will let you know how she is doing tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers. God Bless, Cindi
She's in good hands with Jon, don't let yourself frett too much. We're all praying for her and the family daily.