Friday, January 8, 2010

January 7th

Hello, We are in Medford. Last night Jess kept getting sick, had a massive headache and bad back spasms. I had already called once and they had me go get some stronger meds and that didn't hep. When I called again to the cancer center I got a hold of the on call cancer doctor. He got a little angry at me for waiting so long, but I told him that I had called earlier. He had me put a pill under her tongue, but it didn't help so off we went. We got to the ER about midnight. They instantly started fluids, morphine, and a brain scan to check for spinal leaks---thinking maybe something went wrong with the spinal chemo. Pat and I headed out a couple of hours later when they had her settled in. They admitted her and told us that she was severely dehydrated and to wait only about four hours before we bring her in; if this happens again. They must have been worried because the cancer doctor actually showed up about 2 am and popped in around 3 am. She had a pretty good morning, but then right after lunch she broke out in hives, had back spasms, and the headaches again. They gave her morphine again and some other pain meds plus a heating pad on her back. They are going to be giving her morphine every two hours to get it under control, but I don't know what is causing this. They are thinking it is the spinal, but I will be anxious to know what the doctor says in the morning (8th). Well I am super tired. I hope that I gave you a pretty good overview of what is going on. Please put in some extra prayers for her.



  1. Hi Cindi,
    I am so sorry to hear of this most recent turn of events. We want you to hang in there, look forward and ahead to better, healthier days for Jessi, and know this is just a little sidestep before she starts getting better again. These things often happen, not sure why, but they do. Please remember you and your entire family are in our thoughts and definitely in our prayers. I'm sending some really BIG hugs, too!
    Love to all,
    Kimberley, Richard, and Morgan

  2. WOW! Cindi, I just got the news about Jesse from Danette Hartman, so I had to find you and Jesse. I kinda have been throught this, here is a little food for thought; Dec 2008, my best friend's son was diagnosed with leukemia, he was 2. There were alot of bumps in the road, but let me tell you he is doing great a yr later. With all the technology they have now, there is hope. My thoughts and prayers are with you & Jesse! HUGS!!!!! Tara Huwa
