Saturday, October 31, 2009

October 31st

Hello All,

Jess starts chemo today. They say that it shouldn't make her nauseous....we are hoping that it won't!! She will get three shots of chemo instead of being on an IV. The regiment will be about a month long. She looks strong and they started giving her steroids yesterday to help boost her immune system and her strength.

We have been given a lot of information in the last day. Her bone marrow and blood look good. They found a tennis ball size near her uterus and also has lots of hot spots starting. This is a very aggressive cancer so they are going to treat it so. She is having treatments done similar to pediatric treatments because of her age. She is in the adult unit though; because they feel that she will be more comfortable. After 18-24 months of treatment the doctors said that there is an 80 % chance that it will be in remission indefinitely.

Her room is nice and has a view of the city. She can walk around the unit and have as many vistors as she wants. They make you wear gloves, gown, and mask when you visit. She also has to wear a mask when she leaves her room. They are strict on checking to make sure visitors do not have any cold of flu symptoms before they allow them in the unit.

Thank you and keep praying!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How the community, friends, and family can help

Hello All,

We have an account set-up to help pay for expenses related to Jessi's care. This account is at South Valley Bank and Trust and will benefit the Kelly-Unruh family in the difficult days ahead. If you would like to make a donation, please make it to Jessica Kelly-Unruh Fund.

P.O. Box 5210
Attn: Jessica Kelly-Unruh Fund
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601

Also, Betsy Crouch, my aunt has started a prayer chain in Jessi's room. If you would like to participate please write your prayer for Jess on a 3 x 7 thick piece of paper. The will be stapled together and hung around her room for inspiration.

Mailing Address:
Patient: Jessica Kelly c/o OHSU
Mail Code: KPV14
808 SW Campus Dr
Portland, OR 97239

Please do not send flowers or plants as she will not be able to accept them.

October 29th

Last night during Jesssi's spinal tap they decided to let some chemotherapy run through her system. Not only was the spinal tap hard on her, but the chemo made her sick for about four hours. They are running more tests on her today: MRI, CT/PET Scan. Once they know where the cancer is exactly they will design her treatment.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28th

As many of you may know. Jessi is up at OHSU (Oregon Health Sciences University, in Portland Oregon) Jessi has yet to begin treatment. They were testing her heart for its strength and her blood flow to make sure that the chemotherapy will run through her blood stream properly. She also had a very painful experience today; they took out her bone marrow and also did a spinal tap. She was in a lot of pain, but has been very brave throughout the entire experience.
The hospital is very accommodating; they let her wear her own clothes and allow her to have a computer in her room. She has a great view and they are letting both her mother and husband sleep in the room at night. They are also very strict on allowing people in the cancer unit. They will not allow anyone in with a cough, headache, sore throat, stuffy nose, etc. If she is feeling up for it, she is allowed to have as many healthy visitors as she would like though.
We will keep you posted on results, tests, and treatment as it becomes available.

Thank you and God Bless,


Jessica's Fight

Hello All,

Thank you for visiting this blog site. My name is Laura Lathrop, I am Jessica’s cousin. As you must know, because you are vising this site, Jessi has been diagnosed with lymphoma leukemia. We have set this blog up to update you on her progress, her life, and her battle against cancer. Please stay tuned as I will update you with information as I know it, but her mother Cindi Kelly will be the one updating you as time moves on.

Thank you and God Bless for visiting.