Thursday, December 30, 2010

Dec 30th

Hi All!! ^^^^Picture of me (Cindi) and Shane my youngest at Christmas^^^^

I'm just going to put random pictures up here of the family. Keeps it interesting :)

Well Jess is still sick...Not even over the counter meds help at all with her cold symptoms.. hmmmm... So idk.. She is also on an antibiotic so hopefully that that will help. Other than that everything is the same. So I will let you know if anything changes.

Rob called and everything seems to be going good there too so I have nothing new to report on him either.. lol

Shane is getting better from his wisdom teeth being pulled. He is sure swelled up like a chipmunk with nuts tho.. He is sick of eating soft, mushy food but what can you do? We will ice it tonight and see if that helps. I'm glad that it is done and over with tho. Well thanks a bunch for checking in. Please keep my children in your prayers and send positive energy their way :) Love to all, Cindi

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dec 28th

Good Evening All!

It is a horrible, rain/snowy, windy, cold night out right now...I guess that winter has officially come. Well Jess is still feeling yukky. Liver results were better tho so that is really good. She just has this cough/cold that seems to be lingering. It is keeping her up at night to she thinks, cause a lot of the time the chemo can do that but she likes to take it at night because it upsets her stomach and this way she can sleep through a lot of it. But the doctor called in a prescription today so we will get that tomorrow, so hopefully that will clear it up and then she has chemo next Mon the 10th over in Medford so we can see how all her levels are then. I'm taking her to that and Jon will do the Portland trip this round. So that is about it for now...

Robbie seems to be doing better over there..You know how when you are super tired and then things aren't going right?? It can be very overwhelming. So I think that he is finally getting everything organized. I sent him two boxes of all kinds of stuff from the school and FFA. Plus I through in a few of his personal items that he needed and don't sell over there. He said that it will take 10-15 days to get over there. So if anyone wants to send anything over there to the troops let me know..I told Robbie that he was the distributor :)

Shane had his six wisdom teeth pulled out today. The doctor said that it went good but the places where there were two teeth are kinda big and have been hurting him today. We have been changing the gauze all day and keeping him on the pain meds. Plus I'm trying to keep soft food in his belly to keep him from getting nauseated. Well I'm off for now. Please keep my kids in your prayers and thoughts! Thanks so much for checking up on them. Love to all, Cindi

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dec 25th


Evening all! I hope that everyone had a very blessed Christmas! We had a really good day with the family even tho Robbie not being here sure made a hole.. :( Holidays are hard. He called yesterday for his Christmas and then this morning for ours..He is so sweet.. It makes me sad him not being here and I just wanted to hug him so bad.. He said that he is doing okay over there. If they would just keep him busy it would be so much easier for him.

Jess is still having it pretty rough. I think that her body is just tired of it all. Doctor said that they are going to call the main doctor in Portland to probably tone down this chemo.. It is just to much for her body to handle and I can sure tell it with how exhausted she is all of the time and just the look on her face. She goes in Monday morning for her blood draw so we will see how it is then. Then on the 10th it is IV chemo plus spinal chemo again :( Then on the 13th it is up to Portland for a blood draw and checkup. So hopefully everything starts getting a little easier for the two of my kids..

You all will probably get a kick out of this...We went in on Thurs for Shane to get his wisdom teeth checked and guess what? He has 6 that need to come out.. the oral surgeon was so surprised to see this and so were we..I asked Shane if he just wanted to join up with his siblings.. No wonder I have to get my hair colored all of the time.. lol Well I'm off for now. Thanks for checking in and please keep them in your prayers and send some positive energy. Love to all, Cindi

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Dec 22

Hi All,

Well Jess did her blood on Tues and the Cancer Center called from Medford to let her know that her liver levels were bad again and they didn't want her to take her other Monday chemo pill..Welllll she has been taking it on Monday always and then doing her blood on Tues so that they can see the results of the pill and she has been doing this for awhile. When they called they were like don't take your pill tonight..? She had already taken it and we told them that she was doing it this way. So they got all excited and now she has to be sure to go in on Monday morning to get her blood drawn and checked before she takes that awful pill that night. Also, I called Portland to make the trip up there next month and scans!! yippee So we just have to go up like Weds night and do blood work and doctor visit on Thurs and then come home on Fri..This will be in January and I'm not sure yet if I'm taking her or Jon..Jess has to get back with me on that. Jon is taking her on the 10th to the next chemo/spinal appt. :( It seems like they come up fast.

Well Rob called me again tonight..I was happy to hear from him. He said that it is super cold there and it snowed about 5". He has requested to work on the day shift so that he can do more. He is to bored at night and he wants to learn more. I'm proud of him for going to his chief and asking. They told them that they are waiting for more guys to come in and then hopefully he can be moved, so please pray for that. It would make him so happy to do that. I'm going to post a picture that he had taken today with the New England Patriots Cheerleaders that are there visiting and putting on shows. We of course had to make fun of him.."way to work Rob" lol Well I'm off for now. I hope that everyone has a good evening. Thanks for checking in. Please keep Jess and Rob in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Monday, December 20, 2010

Dec 20th

I changed this blog to Jess and Rob's Life Journey because I really couldn't think of what else to call it and since I talk about the both of them so much I decided to change the I just wanted you all to know :) If your still reading then thanks so much! Jess just let me know that we are going up to get her blood drawn tomorrow to see how her liver levels are doing now with the reduced dosage of chemo. So I will let you all know how that goes..and I have 3 pkgs that they Bonanza FFA and Bonanza School got together to mail to the troops so I'm going to be mailing those to Rob to distribute over there..won't he be happy? lol Please keep them both in your prayers.. Love to all, Cindi

PS If anyone wants to add a little something to these packages please let me know :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dec 19th

Evening everyone!

Well it has been snowing here for the past couple of days... It is just starting again tonight and it is about 32 degrees outside. Brrr... lol It is good we need it and maybe Pat will get some extra hours :) Well Jess is finally feeling better it seems..I hadn't seen her since Weds but they dropped in today after they went Christmas shopping and she seemed upbeat so that is always good to see. I'm going to call Portland this week and see what they want to do. Is it just a checkup visit? or does he want scans again? I will let you all know what I find out. Rob called me tonight so I was super excited to hear his voice. He hasn't gotten used to the time change and all the traveling yet so he is still pretty exhausted. He is working 6pm to 6am six days a week! What a schedule. He said that his room is like a cell. Very small, narrow and dark. Fun! Good thing that we sent him with a laptop..he said that that makes it really nice. He doesn't have to go to the common room to find a computer. He said that the Kyrgyzstan people brought their stuff to sell on Fri and it looked like they had some pretty cool stuff that they made and just overall stuff to sell. But he was just to tired to look much. They said that they will be back next Fri so he will hopefully check it out more. Well I'm off for now. If anyone wants Robbie's address to send him letters or packages let me know. I also put the address on Facebook too. Please keep them both in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dec 16th

Hi Everyone!!

On my last post I wrote that Robbie was in Delaware for I have no idea reason.. lol He was in Baltimore.. Sooo.. :) He also called me this morning! He said that as of right now he is very overwhelmed with it all but I'm hoping that it will get better.. It is all so new and he is very tired from all the traveling and then he worked 12 hours right after they arrived.. So I'm hoping that once he gets his schedule all worked out and he gets used to the time change that it will get better.

Jess is still feeling yukky. Between her liver levels and her trying to catch a head cold she is feeling pretty puny. I asked her if we should call the doc today but of course she said no. I'm off for 2 weeks after tomorrow for Christmas break so I will be able to keep an eye on her and evaluate it myself. She likes to shrug everything off. So I'm off for now. Thanks so much for checking in on one or both of my kids. I decided to write about both so I hope that is okay for everyone reading. Please keep them in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dec 14th

Hi All,

Well yesterday was a super rough day on me...I had Robbie flying out of Delaware on his way to Kyghystan with stops in Germany and Turkey. Jess was doing chemo in Medford with Jon and they ended up having to call Dr K in Portland because Jess's liver levels were even way higher then they have been lately so now they are worried about the doses of chemo she is getting could damage her liver. So he ended up lowering her doses to see if they can get her the levels better and get her feeling better. She isn't feeling well at all and it makes me really scared. She came over for a bit today but ended up not being able to stay for long since she was feeling so yucky... And she never really tells me I think how bad she is really feeling so it always bothers me if she is hiding it from me. So hopefully she starts to get to feeling better soon. I will keep a close on her and let you all know. Hopefully I also here from Robbie soon too. I will feel better once I know that he is settled and doing well. Well I'm off for now. Please keep Jess & Rob in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Sunday, December 12, 2010

this is Jess's wedding picture from Sept 19th of 2009..It is hard to believe that this is just a little over a year ago...So much has happened. She was diagnosed with 8 tumors and a bunch of hot spots (where the cancer was going to start up) just one month after this was taken...Still blows me away... I just love this picture and I wanted to share :)

Dec 12th

Hi All,

Well Rob flew out today :( We were all very good and didn't cry at all. I have moments every now and then where I catch myself getting really sad but I just push through it. He will be fine and it will be good for him to get out and see some of the world. He should be in Texas soon and then in Baltimore tonight for the night. Then I think that he flies out Monday night on a military flight. So I will let you all know how that goes. Jess goes to chemo tomorrow. Jon is taking the day off to take her so they will leave around 7:30 in the morn. I'm so happy that she isn't having the spinal. She is so happy to finally have the month off. She only has to have the push IV chemo and of course her extra chemo pills that she takes on Monday night. I'm going to call this week to see about when we need to go up to Portland. Hopefully we just go up there for just a check up and no tests :) I will let you all know about that too. Well I'm off for now. Thanks for checking up on the kids. Love to all! Please keep them in your prayers. Cindi

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dec 11th

Good Morning!!

Wow, did we have a good turnout for Robbie's party last night! We had about 45 people show up :) We were at Mia's & Pia's Pizzeria here in Klamath.. It started at 6 pm and we finally left at 9:30... Everyone had a lot of pizza, beer, laughs and just an all around good time. It was good to see all my family and friends just telling stories and enjoying themselves. Of course I got no pictures.. lol I was so busy getting more chairs and trying to visit with everyone. So I'm sorry and it bums me out too! We left all the "kids" there (they are not technically kids) lol and they all headed out to the bars. They told me that they went to every one in town. I heard Rob get home around 2:30 am this morn.. Jess is the DD since she can't drink..poor thing. So anyways I'm off for now. I just made breakfast for everyone and I want to visit. It is hard to believe that he is leaving tomorrow. Thanks for checking in and please keep Jess and Rob in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dec 7th

Hi All,

Just a quick note to let you all know that everything is about the same. She has her ups and downs with this chemo she takes everyday.. She says that it wakes her up now and then at night with some nausea.. but that is why she takes it then cause she hopes to sleep through most of it. She had to take that real nasty stuff last night so that one kinda affects her a little stronger plus that is the one that is really hard on her insides. So today we are going in for her to give blood. She likes to do it after the hard chemo so they can check all of her levels. So that is about it for now. I will let you know if we hear anything on this draw. Please keep her in your prayers and thanks so much for checking in. Love to all, Cindi

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dec 4th

Good Morning!

Just a quick note to let you know how Jess is feeling...Feeling better overall but still has a tight feeling in her chest but she feels like it is a lot better than before so that is good to hear... I hope that her liver and potassium levels do better at the next blood draw on Monday.. So that is about it. It is nice to be able to just relax at home today..not much going on. Tomorrow is mine and Pat's 23rd Anniversary but I'm not sure if it will be snowing and we will be able to go out to dinner so we will just play it by ear. I can't believe that Rob is leaving in a week..Went by so fast and it just scares me. I'm feeling a little stressed out about the whole thing. We are having a going away party next Fri on the 10th at Mia's and Pia's here in Klamath at 6pm if anyone would like to drop by and wish him well. Well I'm off for now. Please keep them both in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1st

Hi All,

Well Jess had to go over to Medford today for a checkup...She hasn't been feeling well and I called the doctor yesterday and they wanted her to come over there immediately! They were super worried because she was having breathing problems and tightness in her chest. It ended up being bronchitis and they put her on a antibiotic. Plus, her liver was acting up and her potassium levels were really high. She had me so worried today... She had went up to the Klamath Falls cancer center yesterday to do blood. So that is how they had her blood results today over there. I think that this eased her mind going to today. Everytime that I think that everything is going smooth we hit a road bump...But I have to remember that Dr K up north said that there would be a lot of ups and downs through out this journey..But when it is your child it is so scary. I hate it.. Sometimes I wonder if I can continue being strong..Now I have Robbie leaving in 12 days and I think that maybe they could put me in a funny farm for awhile... lol Well I'm off for now. Thanks for checking in. Please keep Jess in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nov 28th

Evening Everyone!

Hope that everyone has had a wonderful Thanksgiving and break (if you work for the school I Didn't really have much to post about tonight but I hated not to say anything since it has been around a week.. Jess has been about the and on.. Her energy level drops after a few hours so that is always hard cause she loves to be busy and now she can't. We all went and got a Christmas tree today. It was fun. We drove about 30 miles and their was lots of snow but it was cold so Jess stayed in the pickup for part of the time... Got Rob's party set up at Mia's and Pia's on Dec 10th at 6pm. So I would love you all to show up and give Rob your support :) Well I'm off for now. I'm pretty sure that Jess needs to go in for her weekly blood draw tomorrow so I will let you all know how that goes. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nov 24th

Evening everyone!!

Just a quick note to tell you all Happy Thanksgiving!! I'm cooking dinner for my family so it will be a busy day for me.. I put Jess in charge of cooking the pies :) Got a call from the cancer doctor in Medford today...they just wanted to let us know that Jess could take the full dosage of extra chemo pills on Monday.. Her liver and blood levels must of been good from her blood test.. I probably would of asked what the levels were but I missed my phone call so I just listened to the voice message..and when I tried to call them back the phone service said that all the lines were busy and that they had been super busy all day... I guess everyone had questions to ask or problems they wanted to discuss before the holidays...So I will just go with the message! Well I'm off for now..It is freezing here and I want to take a hot bath!! lol Please keep Jess in your thoughts and prayers. Love to all and happy holidays! Cindi

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nov 23rd


at the Silver Legacy in Reno this past weekend!! Cute huh?

Well it is colder than heck here..It is about 9:30 am and my outside temp reads 21 degrees! We had about 4-5 inches of new snow but the wind blew so hard last night it is drifted everywhere! Jess is supposed to be coming this way to give blood and to go to the DMV to finally get her name changed. It just hasn't worked out to get it done yet and it is always so busy... She had to take that extra chemo pill last night and it is the nasty one so hopefully she is feeling okay today. Well I will let you all know how it goes. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Monday, November 22, 2010

Nov 22nd

Good Morning Everyone!!

Just got home from Reno last night! It was a really good time. Ended up being 15 of us all total down there so we had a good size group :) We went to the lounges and danced, did a little gambling (but no one won much, we just donated!) and went to Cabelas & Scheels which one is a total hunting store with amazing things to see and the other is an all around store which is like a lot of stores in one! It actually had a full size ferris wheel in it! We had a lot of laughs people watching too.. Jess got a little tired off and on but you all know her.... major strong and she just kept pushing on. We all said that we want to do this again when Rob comes home from overseas in June.. His birthday is the 10th so we can celebrate that and him coming home safe and sound! So it was a good weekend even tho I missed Pat being able to come. The weather here is a little nasty..windy and snowy. Well I'm off for now. Jess has to go give blood today but she wants to wait until tomorrow so she can rest up. I will let you all know how it goes. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nov 18th

Hello Friends & Family!!

Just a quick hello and catch up! Jess is feeling okay...a little yucky now and then and her back has been really hurting her. I don't know what these next spinals are going to bring.. It seems to be getting worse and worse. I'm also wondering about her taking a little relaxer before the on the way relax her and maybe relax her back a little..I will sure let you know what we decide. Thank goodness that she has next month off of the spinal! Well I guess that we are supposed to be having lots of snow around here in the next couple of days..Pat's work won't hire anymore drivers so they are short handed soooo we are going to Reno tomorrow and he can't go :( I'm major bummed and wasn't going to go but my kids really wanted me to and so off I go. I know that we will have a fun time but I will miss him.. :( His route is up towards Crater Lake and he can sure get some snow up there! So we will head down tomorrow and be back home on Sunday so really it is a quick trip.. It will be Me, Rob, Jess, Shane, Jon, Gabbi, Christian, Dottie, Deona, Denise, Matt, Rob & Cheri... So there might not be many but I'm sure that it will be a fun trip! I will hopefully post pics! lol Also, found out that Rob will be flying out on Dec 12th..So that made me super sad today but it will only be for 6 months so hopefully it will go fast! Pray pray pray to keep him safe! He will be stationed at Manas Air Force Base..I'm pretty sure that that is what it is called.. Well I'm off for now. Please keep Jess in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nov 16th

Hi Everyone!

Talked to Jess today and she said that she had a good day... Just laid around and rested all day...Plus, she told me that she drank a lot of water... I hope so.. It is so good for her to do but she has never liked drinking it much... I also had talked to the doctor about her diet...She said not to worry about it right now. If she eats healthy then she is happy but it just isn't something that she said that Jess needs to worry about right now. Lets get her through her year and a half of chemo and then we will worry about it. So that is what I'm going to do. So that is about it for now. I will keep you all updated. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Monday, November 15, 2010

Nov 15th

Evening everyone!

Had a big day of chemo today...We were over in Medford by 8:15 this morning.. Had blood drawn, blood tested, doctor visit and then IV chemo.. Chemo went well but the doctor said that we were wrong on the time left for chemo..We thought that she had a year left and she said that it was a year and a half so we will double check with the main doctor in January with that visit. Bummed Jess and I out but we will just plug along and do it cause we have to! Blood at least was stronger this time so that was good. Liver was still a little high but they are keeping an eye on it.. Then it was off to spinal.. It is always a slow deal it seems... They had a little problem getting the needle in so Jess was sore and had a massive headache afterwards so they always have her lay on her back for at least an hour to make sure that the back gets shut back up and so no spinal fluid leaks out. She had that happen once and it was horrible and she had to have a blood patch put in... So hopefully that doesn't happen again. Well I'm off for now. Thanks for checking in. Love to all. Please keep Jess in your prayers. Cindi

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Just a quick note to let you know that today is Jess's birthday! We had a party for her last night at her house with pizza, drinks, cupcakes & a bonfire.. We had a really good time and about 25 people showed up :) Today Jon took her out to breakfast and my good friend Crissy took us out to lunch! So she has had a good day! Tomorrow morning we head over for chemo at about 6:30 am so that is a big bummer! :( But I will let you all know how it all goes. Please keep her in your prayers. Thanks for checking in. Love to all, Cindi

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Nov 13th

Good Morning All,

Just a quick note to let you know that all is the same.. We are gearing up for all day chemo in Medford on Monday :( Not looking forward to it at all but we know that we have to do it... It is getting harder and harder for Jess to do it and for me to push her too. So I'm off for now. Tonight we are celebrating with a small party for Jess's birthday tomorrow. I know that we are going to Reno next weekend but I didn't want her day to go by without a celebration of some sort. So we are having cake, pizza, drinks and hopefully a bonfire at Jon & Jessi's this evening. Rob is also getting his promotion today at the base but of course he won't invite us.. Tells us that we don't need to be there.. Brat! lol So that is all for now. Please keep her in your prayers. I know that they help :) Love to all, Cindi

PS. Someone called the other day and yes we still have the account open at South Valley Bank here in Klamath for travel expenses..Thanks!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Evening everyone!!

Just a quick note to let you know that Jess had to go get her blood done today...They are getting ready for the spinal we have to go to on Monday :( It is not something that any of us are looking forward too! It is a horrible thing :( She seems a little tired and quiet... I'm sure that she has lots on her mind.. Found out that Rob got his new stripes for his uniform! :) He has been promoted so I'm pretty excited for him. He got a Thyfoid spelling? and Anthrax shots yesterday to go overseas.. They wanted to give him his small pox vaccine but it is a live virus and he can't get that and then be around Jess so he will have to get that one once he is over where he is going.. Wow, it has come up fast it seems.. :( Well this weekend is Jess's birthday!! She will be 22 this Sunday! We are going to have a small party to celebrate at home and then we are going down to Reno on the next weekend! :) We don't have any set plans..We will just do whatever sounds good at the time.. lol Well I'm off for now. Please keep Jess in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Monday, November 8, 2010

Nov 8th

Hi All,

Had a great but way to short of time in Bend!! It was a super fun birthday and Jess enjoyed herself even though she says it is kinda boring at a party when you can't drink at all.. lol She seems to be still tired off and on, and I suppose it is from the chemo pills still. Her back was real stiff today and she says it is from all of the spinals which I could totally understand.. Plus it is getting cold outside for a week of storms I think... I know that she is sure dreading the one(spinal)next Monday as I am too :( We will have to go in tomorrow or the next day to get her blood drawn. They always like to check the levels before they do them. Wow, do the boys tattoos look good!! It is just so amazing to me how much the three of them love one another. I know that I raised them but being around kids all day at the school you don't always see siblings so close :) I will try to get a picture of them on here so that you guys can see what it looks like. Jess's nose looks super cute to of course :) Well I'm off for now. Thanks so much for checking up on her and please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Nov 6th!

Morning everyone!

Just getting ready to go to Bend...It is my niece Laura's bd today and they are having a party up there tonight so my whole family is heading up there.. Pat is at home driving hay truck so he will be here keeping the fort down.. He isn't much for traveling to Bend.. Yesterday my kids all went to Ashland and the boys got tattoo's for their sister and Jess got her nosed pierced. You can't go into one of those places without getting something done! lol :) The boys have a 3x5 lime green cancer ribbon on the back of their left shoulder which reads "My sister fought & won" It is pretty sweet and it was Rob's idea and he wanted to get it done before he heads overseas on Dec 7th. When Shane heard he was all over the idea.. lol :) Jess was pretty touched and excited about them doing this for her. The lady did an amazing job on them! Jess wants to get a ribbon wrapped around a butterfly on her wrist which will say "Survivor".. when her white counts come up and stay. Well I'm off for now.. Please keep Jess in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Nov 4th

Morning everyone!!

Just a quick note to know that Jess is still feeling the same. She went in yesterday and had her blood drawn again to keep an eye on her levels.. If something is wrong I'm sure that they will hopefully let us know today. So that is about it. Well this weekend is my niece Laura's bd in Bend, then next weekend the 14th it will be Jess's 22nd bd. Wow, how time flies. Once again, on the 19th of this month we are all heading down to Reno for the weekend. Don't really have any set plans but we just want to get away and have fun with the family and friends. Rob is heading overseas on Dec is crazy how close it is now. Starting to freak me out a bit.. I'm sure he will be fine but a mother doesn't have to like it. lol Well I have to get ready for work. Love to all. Please keep Jess and Rob in your prayers. :) Thanks again, Cindi

Monday, November 1, 2010

Nov 1st

Well Jess had to go in for another blood test today... She takes that one chemo pill every Mon (except when she gets it in her spine) and that is the one that is toxic to the liver. The doctor's office called today to remind us about it (since Jess should of went in this morn!) lol and also to tell us they want her to do another blood test on Weds to check it again. I asked them if it was real bad but the nurse said that it was high but not bad so they told her to take a reduced dosage of chemo today. I also asked about her white blood count just to see where it was at and it is low but not as low as it has been so it is good and bad. So that is what is happening right now. I will sure be happy when she is done with all of this... Well I'm off for now. If you have any questions or just want to drop me a comment I would sure love to hear from you. Sorry I'm not as vigilant at my posts as I should be. I think about it and then I get busy and tired. Please keep Jess in your prayers if you can. Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oct 28th


Got a call from the cancer center today...I guess Jessi's liver is acting up. Not really sure what is going on. They wanted her to get in and have some more blood drawn so that they could do different tests on it.. So we will wait and see. They told her not to take her one Monday chemo pill since that is the one that is toxic to the liver. That is also the same chemo that they put in her spine... Must be lovely stuff. She is still feeling super tired it seems too so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with that to. Well I will let you all go. I will let you all know if I find anything else out. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oct 27th

Hi All,

Well we went and Jess's blood drawn yesterday...She ended up being pretty tired and we really didn't do much in town so I was thinking that her blood count might be low. I thought that we might hear from the doc today but we didn't so I think that her blood is high enough to be okay but low enough that it is affecting her. So I guess that we will just keep plugging along as long as we don't hear anything. I got her next appointment set up for November 15th...We will have a long day over in Medford but we will get it all done in one day over there. I'm taking the day off to take Jess. It seems to make her happy to have Mom with her and to tell you the truth I hate her going without me. I just feel better being with her. So she will have the blood drawn and doc visit plus IV chemo and the horrible spinal.. Yuk! So I will let you all go. Thanks so much for checking in and please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Monday, October 25, 2010

Oct 25th

Hi All,

Sorry I haven't been on lately...Just been busy and not taking the time to get on here and write... Jess hasn't been feeling to hot lately. Not really sure what is going on but of course I worry about it. Her blood was at a 2 point last Monday so that might be the problem too. She woke up Sunday with chest pains which last time ended up being her gall bladder so Pat ran down her medicine which was still at our house. It seemed to help her and she hasn't complained since. But she came over today and she seemed kinda cranky and moody but she said that she didn't sleep well last night so that might be it. Tomorrow she said that she has to go in for a blood test so I'm thinking since her blood was low last Monday that they are doing a checkup on it. So we will see if they find anything... I also called the doctor in Medford today to request a doctor and hospital for her next spinal on the 15th. She is going through enough already so if this makes her feel better then I will try my damnedest

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oct 20th

Hi All,

Well Jess has been having it rough after this last session... She really was tired yesterday and slept off and on all day. Her back is hurting her and I think that she is tired mentally. Sometimes I just don't know what to do. I was with her today and she just had that look. Mother's know these things.. I don't like it but I really don't know exactly what to do. She just has been through so much and these spinals are what are dragging her down emotionally I know it. If she just had the pills and IV chemo I'm sure that she could handle this. I guess that I better just straighten my shoulders and get tough. I have to be there for her sooo.. I need to figure out what to do. Well I'd better get going. I'm super tired but we have a four day weekend so I'm pretty happy. I feel like I need it. I will let you all know how Jess is and please keep her in your prayers. Thanks for checking in. Love to all, Cindi

Monday, October 18, 2010

Oct 18th

Good Evening everyone!!

Just a quick note to let you know that Jess had the everything day today :( Her blood counts were a little lower than what she has been running but the doctor says that they are still high enough that we don't have to do anything as of yet.. Her IV chemo went well and then she had her spinal chemo too. It was a little rough and the doctor actually hit a nerve in her back that she felt down her leg :( When he was done she usually turns over and lays on her back for over an hour to let the hole close up in her spine so that nothing leaks out and that keeps her from getting a headache too. But she immediately got a headache today and then kept it off and on until she got here. I don't know why that happened but I gave her lots of fluids, caffeine (which is suppose to help with headaches) and a good dinner hoping that that would help her. So hopefully it subsides by tomorrow.. It is bad enough that she has to go through this and I hate to see her in pain too. I know that I have told you all this before but it bugs me so much... She had actually lost a little weight again so she was super happy about that at least.. Well I'm off for now.. 3:40 am comes awful soon.. Thanks so much for checking in.. I know that it has been a long haul. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oct 17

Hi All,

Sorry about that first Oct 17th...I somehow hit the enter button and it published nothing.. lol Well anyways tomorrow is D day... I can sure tell that Jess is dreading it. I know that I would sure be.. It is so hard on her mentally... So all I can do is pray that everything goes as smooth as it can go.. Her and Pat are leaving around 6:30 in the morning so they will end up having a long day.. She sure has been blah and tired lately..Ive tried asking her what is up but Jess has always been one to keep everything in... I just hate to see her like this.. I think that she is thinking about the spinal and just doesn't feel good without taking the steroids.. I wish that she would just take a few to just keep her energy level up and give her some get up and go. So please keep her in your prayers and I will let you all know how everything goes tomorrow. Thanks for checking in. Love to all, Cindi

Oct 17

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Oct 12th

Hi All,

Just a quick note to let you all know that we went in to the cancer center today to get Jess's blood drawn for her spinal on Monday. They always check certain levels before each spinal and they have told me why but to tell you the truth I just don't remember what for.... Sorry! So we got that done and then on Monday they have to be there bright and early at 8:15 am for her doctor appt, then IV chemo and then her spinal at 1:30..It is about an hour and a half trip over to Medford so it won't be to bad. Pat is taking the day off and taking her so that will be nice. So that is all for now..Thanks so much for checking in. Please keep Jess in your prayers and she continues her journey to full recovery. Love to all, Cindi

Monday, October 11, 2010

Oct 11th


Well we really didn't find out anything on Ricki..He either has something wrong in his spinal column or something in his hip.. So he got a joint shot and he has to be kept in a small pen and given bute (anti-inflammatory & pain med) twice a day for a week and then another check up. Plus, after that he will need some chiropractor work done on his back he thinks..Soooo... No riding for quite awhile :( I was just super worried that it might be something super bad and we might have to put him down or something! I was trying to think positive but it has just been one of those days. So Jess and I were relived that we could do something like keep him quiet in a pen for a week..and if he gets any worse he wants to see him sooner..So I will let you guys know if your interested. Thanks!! Cindi

Oct 11th

Hello All!!

Just a quick note to let you know that Jess ended up not showing yesterday because Ricki hurt his leg somehow... So in about an hour we are taking him into the vet to see if it is serious or not.. So please keep your fingers crossed. Other than that we had a pretty good weekend. We went hunting on Sat but by the end of the day Jess was pretty wiped out. So I'm of course a little worried about her cause you can sure see it in her face when she is at the end of her rope for the day. So I will let you all go and I will drop you a line either tonight or tomorrow and let you all know how everything goes. Please keep Jess in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Friday, October 8, 2010

Oct 8th

Wrote the below story and then changed the picture above :) Just for those of you who don't know that is Jess and her older brother Rob who is the one that is going overseas in December :(

Oct 8th

Evening Everyone!!

Hope all is going well.. Everything is the same here.. It is deer/elk hunting time so we have been busy with that. Jess is actually going to show her horse this Sunday so she has been trying to ride Ricki (the horse in the above picture) and get him ready. He seems to be doing pretty good for her lately so that is good. It also helps that she is stronger and able to kick his butt if he acts up. Before, he knew that if he did something she really wasn't feeling up to making him be good. So then he acted up, acted up and acted up! The little snot.. lol He really is a very sweet horse but he does have some attitude.. :) So hopefully all goes well this Sunday! I will let you all know how she does. Thanks so much for checking in and please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Monday, October 4, 2010

Oct 4th

Hi All,

Just a quick note to let you all know that we headed up for blood today and when they checked in the computer the doctor said that she didn't need to do it?? hmmm... We were not really sure why but Jess was happy.. Maybe because all of her tests have been good lately so maybe they feel like she is holding her own on this. She has all of her appointments next Monday so I'm sure that she will find out for sure what is going on. So I will let you all know then but for now she is feeling better from her infection all ready with the antibiotics and I'm still drilling her on drinking lots and lots of water!! Thanks so much for checking in and I will let you all go. Please keep her in your prayers!. Love to all, Cindi

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 3rd

Hi Everyone!

Sorry I haven't been on lately...Not much going on. Jess has been fighting a bladder infection with all the medicine that she is on. So that really sucks.. We got her a antibiotic today so hopefully that will take care of it. Tomorrow she has to go in and do blood work to check levels again so I'm always happy to get that done because then I know that the doctor is looking it over.. She still doesn't seem to have the energy level that I would like to see but Im not really sure what to do about it.. So I will just try to keep her eating healthy and drinking lots and keeping a close eye on her. So I will let you know if we find out anything tomorrow. I want to send a note out to Kim Otto... Thanks so much for all your sweet and supportive posts! and I'm praying for your daughter :) Thanks everyone for checking in and please keep Jess in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sept 27th

Good Evening All!!

Just a quick note to let you all know how Jess is feeling. She seems to be kinda tired lately so I don't know if the chemo pills are getting to her or not. The doctor had never said anything about her giving blood again on Mondays so she was just going to ignore it until they said something but she seemed so blah today that I made her call the doctor in Medford and the doctor said that she had over looked that at her last appointment and she definitely wanted her to give blood today and check her levels. So I felt better knowing that they would be checking all her functions and blood to make sure that everything was okay... Other than that everything seems to be going okay. She has her spinal and IV chemo on Oct 18th. I'm pretty sure that her older bro Rob will be taking her as Shane has started college today and her husband will be digging up potatoes in a couple of days. But anyways I will let you all go. Love to all! Please keep Jess in your prayers! Thanks, Cindi

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sept 22nd

Hello everyone! Just a quick note to let you know that Jess is feeling pretty good. She had lost a little weight at her Monday appt so that always makes someone happy :-) Her blood ended up being a 3.3 so that is a little low but she said that they never said anything about her getting it checked over here on Mondays anymore so I'm not sure what is going on with that....and of course she didn't ask! So I'm wondering if we should give them a call tomorrow and see what is up. Everyone has been commenting on how good she looks and how she is getting back to her old that is amazing to hear!! It just makes me happy :-) :-) She is still taking 3 chemo pills a day and her extra different kind on Monday when she doesn't have a spinal so I think that I'm going to check up on her tonight and make sure that she is on top of things... She had text ed me before and said that she had lunged her horse for a half an hour to start getting him back into shape so I was happy to hear that since it means to me that she is feeling better.. Well I'm off for now. Thanks so much for checking in. If anyone would like to meet us all in Reno on Nov 19th that would be awesome! We will be there for 2 nights at Circus Circus.. Just a little get away trip.. We have about 12 people going we thing so it should be a good time and we would all love to hang out! :-) Please keep Jess in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sept 20th

Hello All,

I meant to get on yesterday but I totally spaced it!! Yesterday was Jon & Jessi's first year anniversary!!! It is hard to believe that it has been a year already :) They seem to be as much in love as when they were just dating. They have just been through so much. Everyone knows that a first year is hard anyways without being diagnosed with cancer a month after they were married. So I just wanted to say a little something about them :) lol So today Shane took Jess to chemo for me over in Medford.. We were so happy to find out that she didn't need a spinal! She gets 1 month off after having 2 we found out so that was a very very nice surprise. So she just had a push chemo today, so they actually got home about 5 pm tonight. Shane said that she slept all the way home and she had a headache when she got here so she took some Advil and rested for about a half an hour before she headed home. I was worried about her driving but you all know how stubborn she can be so I was on pins and needles until she got home and text ed me. But I will let you all go. Thanks for checking in. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sept 16th

Hi Everyone!!

Hope that everyone is doing well. Ive just been working and visiting with Jess. Sometimes I feel like she doesn't have enough energy but she says that she is doing fine... But she hasn't been walking with me or riding so I think that I'm right. I brought it up to her and she said that she will push herself a little more. So I will just keep an eye on her and see. She said that she was going to go work her horses today but I haven't text ed her yet to see if she had gotten it done. But I will let you all know. She has her big round of chemo on Monday and doctor appointment in Medford so I will let you know how that goes. Well I'm off for now. Thanks for checking in. Please keep Jess in your prayers. Love ya, Cindi

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept 14th

Morning All,

Just a quick hello this morning. Jess went in and got her blood drawn yesterday so hopefully everything is still fine there. They seem to be really good lately but they are really keeping an eye on her liver levels with this chemo. Shane ended up in the Urgent Care yesterday with a bee sting...just kept getting worse and worse in the past few days so Jess took him in there for me. He is now on steroids for 5 days!! wow, my kids! Found out that Jess asked Shane to take her to chemo on Monday so that is good. Jon will be hunting with Robbie... It is that time of year.. lol Well thanks for checking in. Love to all, Please keep Jess in your prayers, Cindi

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sept 12th

Sorry I haven't been on here in awhile...Jess has been doing well and I went back to work so there really wasn't much to talk about...She is still taking her chemo, steroid & antibiotic pills as you all know, so that is about all that is happening right now... Next Monday the 20th she has an IV chemo and another spinal so we are trying to figure out who is going to be taking her to that... She seems to be feeling pretty good now that she is over that darn cold so maybe this maintenance chemo won't be so bad after all. I can't imagine having 8 more spinals but she is so tough and she has her mind set so it seems like she is doing okay with them... Sooo.. I will let you all go. If you have any questions please drop me a line. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sept 7th

Evening Everyone!!

Just a quick line to let you know that Jess is feeling pretty good..still has a little cough and stuffiness but that is about it. We went in today to have her blood drawn so I'm sure that we will get a call if the count is low but I'm hoping not since she has been doing good so far through this maintenance chemo. So thanks so much for checking in. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Monday, September 6, 2010

Sept 6th


Just a quick note to let you all know that Jess & Jon got home late last night from hunting. I only got to talk to her a little bit since it is like a 10 hour trip and she had driven about half way so she was tired. It is freezing up here right now and Jon has potatoes growing and so he has to get up in the middle of the night to turn the water on so that they don't freeze so he wanted to rest up some on the way home. Jess said that she was feeling better..her cough and stuffiness were almost gone. So I'm thinking that she probably won't have to go back into the doctor. Thank goodness! lol She doesn't have her IV and spinal chemo again until the 20th of this month so she will just be on her chemo pills until then. I'm hoping that she is feeling back up to riding her horses again but I will talk to her today and see how she is doing. Well it is back to work for me tomorrow...:( lol I like it and I like getting off early but getting up at 3:45 am sucks..:) So I will let you all go. Thanks for checking in. Please keep Jess in your prayers.. Love to all, Cindi

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sept 4th

Good Morning! :)

Kinda a slow weekend... Jess and Jon will be home tomorrow from hunting so that will be nice. Pat is on the hay truck today, Shane is heading to work and Rob went to Newport until Monday... sigh... lol So I really don't have much to say until I get to talk to Jess.. The phone service hasn't been real good up there so we haven't talked much. I can't believe that Jess & Jon's 1st year anniversary is coming up this month on the 19th... Poor kids have never been able to take a honeymoon yet. It will also be a year in October that Jess was diagnosed. We are planning a trip to Reno on the 19th of November!!! :) So anyone that wants to meet us down there is more than welcome! We are staying at the Circus Circus for 2 nights. They have a great internet & military special :) Rob as you all know is leaving for overseas on Dec 4-5th for 6 months. He will be stationed in Kirghistan (not really sure of the spelling) which is north of Afghanistan. Also, Jess never got to celebrate her 21st birthday so her 22nd is Nov 14th and Pat and mine's 23rd wedding anniversary is the 5th of December also! So we will have a lot going on..Imagine that!! So please if you want to come have some fun and hangout in Reno please do so :) Thanks so much for checking in. Please keep Jess & Rob in your prayers. Love, Cindi

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sept 1st 2010

Good Evening All!!

Well Jess is still hunting with Jon and his family. Jon got himself a nice 4x3 in velvet..Gorgeous deer :) Now he is hunting elk! I talked to Jess last night and they had driven down to the nearest city to take showers...she said that it felt awesome.. I bet that they were a smelly little group! lol ;) jk But Jess that she still wasn't over the cold so she was getting some medicine (just over the counter) and when she gets back this weekend if she is still sick she will go in to one of the urgent care centers here in town to see if she needs some antibiotics...I also think that we need to give Medford a call to let them know what is going on. She is still on her chemo pills, steroids and extra chemo on Monday so I don't want them giving her something that doesn't do well with any of those. But anyways that is all for now. Thanks for checking in and please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Saturday, August 28, 2010

August 28th

Good Evening Everyone!!

Well Jess had a long trip to get up to their hunting spot but she said that it was fun and gorgeous in spots :) She said that she is feeling better yet again so that makes me feel so good. Hopefully when she gets back she will be feeling better enough so that she can start riding her horses daily. Her balance is real off so it has been hard and she doesn't feel very comfortable up in the saddle... She has been trying but it has really been aggravating her that she can't do what she wants to do and let me tell you those horses know it. But I will let you all go, thanks so much for checking in! Jess said that they have seen a lot of elk up there so hopefully they bring a nice one home :) Please put in a quick prayer for her.. Thanks so much! Love to all, Cindi

Friday, August 27, 2010

August 27th

Good Morning all!

Just another quick note to let you know that Jess is still a little sick but feeling better and better everyday. Don't know why it is hanging on so long but I bet that it has something to do with her white count... It is at a 5 and so that is still not as high as it should be so I'm thinking that her body just can't fight as much as it should be able too. So she will have to watch being around sick people I think... Well she is off to hunting with Jon for a week...I know that I'm sure going to miss her :( But it will be good for both her and him.. Well I'm off for now. Love to all and please still keep her in your prayers! Love, Cindi

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25th

Good Morning All!

Just a quick line to let you all know that Jess is starting to feel a lot better with her cold and the chemo didn't seem to bother her to much this time.. I haven't talked to her yet today so hopefully she is still the same from last night. We haven't heard from the doctor at all so hopefully all is well there. So I will let you all know if I hear anything. But please keep her in your prayers as she still has a long road of chemo left. Thanks so much!! Love to all, Cindi

Monday, August 23, 2010

August 23

Hi All,

Long day in Medford today... Jess had her 22nd spinal and IV chemo. We left here at 9am and we got back home about 7pm tonight. Of course all the nurses and doctors were happy to see her. It has been a few weeks since we were last there. They were excited about her hair growing and she has also lost some weight :) She is looking so good. She is finally starting to get over that darn cold. I had called up the hospital the day before to confirm her time and the one lady said to be there around 11 am... lol The one nurse did complain and say that we should of been there at 9:30 just like I talked about on the last post. They are just trying to stagger the patients in but this way I got to go to my dentist appt. So I was happy. We then headed over to the cancer center where we went and seen her doctor (who wasn't there today but came to see Jess) lol She said that Jess's liver counts were going up and down but her blood counts were staying up good so they are going to keep an eye on things and she still has to go in every Monday to do blood for that. She said that they had gotten an abnormal result back on her last spinal fluid but she wasn't alarmed and told us not to be so they took fluid again today to double check things so of course it still makes me nervous until I hear from her again. We then headed to the chemo room and the IV chemo went smoothly, so we were in and out of there quickly. Jess was pretty wore out after the long day so I will let you all know tomorrow how she is feeling. Thanks so much for checking in and please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Saturday, August 21, 2010

August 21st

Good morning all!!

Sorry I haven't written sooner... Jess has been getting better but it has sure been a slow one.... That sure was a bad cold. Medford called and had her go give blood yesterday to make sure that everything was a go for a spinal on Monday :( plus she has to get an IV chemo... and they weren't sure exactly when that was going to be. Her spinal is set for 11:30 and they told her to be there at 9:30???? and did Jess ask why? NO! Sometimes I wonder about her...would do anything anyone asks without question... Sorry but that really annoyed me.. I told her that they screw up too and I had a dentist appt Monday morn that I had to cancel because she didn't ask. Now we might just be sitting over at the hospital for 2 hours.. Grrr.... Well I'm off for now. Thanks for stopping in and checking up on her. Please keep her in your prayers on Monday. Love to all, Cindi

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

August 17th

Hi Everyone!!

Just a quick line to let you all what is going on... Jess is still sick (must be one of those bad summer colds) and taking her chemo yesterday is the day that she takes the one different chemo pill also... So I don't think that she is feeling that good with all of these in her system plus being sick. She seems to be fighting a bladder infection also with all of this... She wants to wait until next Monday to tell the doctor but I'm thinking that we need to call her today and let her know what is going on. She also had her weekly blood test yesterday so I haven't talked to her yet to see if she heard from them last night to let her know what the results were. So hopefully everything is okay there...Well I'm off for now and thanks for checking in and please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Saturday, August 14, 2010

August 14th

Good morning all!!

Well everything is about the same but I just wanted to drop you all a quick line and let you know. The chemo pills though are hard on Jess's insides so I get a little worried about that. She sure has to take them for a long time and that can get hard on her. She is still fighting her cold but it has gotten better so that is going good. You guys should see her hair.. it looks so cute :) It is growing good now! She is hoping that it grows enough soon so that she can quit wearing a hat or wig..It gets really hot on her head with this 90 degree weather... Well I'm off for now..Thanks for checking in. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, August 12, 2010

August 12th

Good morning all!

Isn't that a cute picture up above of the kids? I took that a couple of weeks ago over on the coast in Brookings :) It was only a overnight trip but it was fun.. Well I just wanted to drop you all a quick line and let you know that Jess was still feeling the same. yuk! I went down to her house yesterday to visit with her and check how she was feeling. Her poor lil body is just so sick but still no temp so that is good. So I will just be keeping an eye on her and I will let you all know how she is doing. Thanks for checking in and please keep her in your prayers and sending positive energy :) Love always, Cindi

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Aug 11th

Just a quick line to let you all know that everything is the same... Jess still has a super bad head cold and feels horrible.. I guess that it is okay as long as she doesn't get a fever but it always scares me. She is still taking her chemo pills daily and then on Monday she has to take an extra different one. Which is the same kind of chemo that she gets in her spinal. Thanks so much for checking in and I will let you all know how she is doing. Please keep her in your prayers! Love you all for being so supportive! Cindi

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9th

Sorry I haven't been on lately....It has been fair time here and Shane had his last steer there. His name was Clifford and he was super cute! lol So we have been there from early morning to evening and wow were we all beat. Jess ended up picking up a bad head cold but she has caught one of these before and we called the doctor and they said as long as she didn't get the fever then she will be okay..but it makes me nervous and I hate to see her like this..she is going through enough without being sick too. I gave her some extra c and some cold medicine so hopefully she can sleep good. She just over did it at fair but she loves being there with all the kids and animals all day! So I will let you all know how she does. We did have some good news today though. Monday is blood drawing day here in Klamath as you all know so we headed up there kinda late today since Jess slept in but after wards we had to stop and pick up a few things at the store when her phone rang and we seen it was the cancer center in Medford... Immediately I got nervous but they were just calling to let her know that her results were EXCELLENT!! Awesome!! So her body must be finally rebounding back. I was worried with the chemo pills that she would keep going up and down but they said that they were super good... (they didn't use those words) lol but I was so excited.. lol :) So if we can get her over this cold maybe she will be feeling a lot better and could do more stuff. But I will keep you all informed.. Thanks so much for checking in. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August 3rd

Hi All! Sorry I haven't written sooner. I sit down at the computer to do so and then I get side tracked!! I almost did again today but I told myself FOCUS!! :) Well Jess has been having some off and on days. It is just those darn chemo pills... I don't know if she is going to be able to handle the 84 days in a row of them.. They just tear her insides up... But I'm trying to get her to eat things that help like the Activa yogurt. It really seem to ease it. We ended up going to the coast just for over night but she got major sick on the boat. I didn't want her to go but she really wanted to and I hated to really push it because she really has never gotten any kind of sea/car sick but with all that she has going on I was worried and she really got sick out there. So if she ever wants to do that again I will make sure that she is prepared before hand. Yesterday she went in and got her blood drawn from the cancer center in town. I was kinda worried that it might be low but we haven't heard anything yet and we have found out that no news is good news!! :) So hopefully we won't hear anything... I don't want to jinx her! lol Well I'm off for now. Thanks for checking in. It is fair time with Shane and his steer so the next few days will be busy busy!! Please keep her in your prayers and send positive thoughts! Love to all, Cindi

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Oh on that anniversary party there is also a RSVP 541-882-8235 or 541-273-5599

July 31st

Well Jess just got done with her first week of chemo pills and steroids...Ive noticed that she seems a little more tired even though the steroids should be picking her up... But we know that her white blood count has been low so I would imagine that it is now after this last week. But we have to go in Monday to get it checked so that will be good... But also on Monday she has to take another chemo pill but it is only on Monday. It is actually the type of chemo that they put in her spine so this will be her first time taking it in pill form too. Wow, she sure has had a little bit of everything. It just seems to me and I'm sure to all of you that the maintenance schedule of chemo seems to be a little stiff. I had just figured that it would be easier on her... But I will sure let you guys all know what it up on Monday... Thanks so much for checking up on her. Please keep her in your prayers :) Love to all, Cindi

P.S. Since I know that a lot of you that read this is family I decided to put this on here too :) Thanks!

Bill & Maryann Kelly (maiden name Honeymann) are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this August 22nd. They were married at St Marys Church, New England, North Dakota. Bill retired from Burlington Northern and Maryann has been a stay at home mom. They have lived in Klamath County for the last 40 years. They are both members at St Pius X church, Knights of Columbus and Catholic Daughters. They have 4 children and 5 grandchildren. Come celebrate with them at Mia's & Pia's Pizzeria on Sunday August 22nd in the patio from 5-8pm. It is a no host party. Cake & punch will be served. In lieu of gifts, Bill & Maryann have asked for you to donate to their granddaughter Jessica Kelly-Unruh at South Valley Bank on 6th St in Klamath Falls who is battling Acute Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. Thank you!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28th


Well I feel like yesterday was a mentally and physically tiring day! We got over in Medford about 11 for Jess's spinal. The tech came out to get her and this one actually invited me back there to sit with her. I figured that they would kick me out when the doctor came to do the procedure but they didn't. So I'm the bad person cause I really didn't want to be back there and isn't that horrible? It makes me mad at myself even now. I just hate to see her in pain so I didn't want to be there.... It is easy to sit out in the waiting room isn't it?? But enough about my cowardice. They ended up taking out fluid to look at the cells. That always makes me nervous cause they are checking for cancer cells in the brain... and then they put the chemo in. She said that it went pretty well. I heard her tell them that it hurt once and so he gave her another pain shot (which they hurt a lot) so all in all she said that it was a good spinal and I have to say that I really like the doctor a lot. So we don't have to go back over there until the 23rd, but then it is another spinal and chemo :( Until then she is on her chemo pills and then next week she starts another chemo pill and her steriods. So she still has a long road ahead of her. Please keep her in your prayers. Love, Cindi

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26th

Hi All!!

Just got home from chemo.. Jess wasn't feeling to well so hopefully she feels better tomorrow for the trip and the spinal. She was feeling extremely tired and had a major headache. She wasn't to happy with talking to her doctor because she doesn't want to take her steroids at all anymore but the doctor says that she has to because that is part of the prodicol. Plus, when I talked to the pharmacist he explained that they were important with taking them with the chemo pills that she has to take. He says that she will feel better with taking them.. So I guess she is. She just doesn't want to gain anymore weight but the doctor said that weight isn't anything with what she has accomplished so far. So I tried to talk to her on the way home but I don't know if I did any good or not...she was pretty quiet. So she had her IV chemo today and she has to start her pills tonight. Yay! Not! Her white blood count of course was low again so I don't know anymore... So she has her spinal tomorrow and then chemo pills for the next 84 days!! After tomorrow though we don't have to go back to Medford until the 23rd unless something is wrong. Every Monday we have to go in for a blood draw in Klamath to keep an eye on it. So I will let you all know how she does tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers and thank so much for checking up on her. Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 22

Well the doctor from Medford called this morning and said that the shots had done their work and her white cells were really high so as of Monday she had to have her IV chemo and the Tues she has to have another spinal :( I think that she might also have to start her chemo pills too. Not sure right now and I don't have the prodicol here to check. So she is feeling really good right now so hopefully we can keep that up. She has been trying to eat healthier and do some alternative methods to keep herself up. So we will see how that goes. But I'm off for now. I will let you all know how she is doing. Please keep her in your prayers! Love to all, Cindi

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 20th

Good Morning Everyone!

Well we went in for Jess's blood test yesterday and then we had a couple of stops to make before we came home. She seemed a little tired so I felt a little concerned and wanted to get her back home. We were home for about an hour when the doctor called from Medford and said that she had to have a bone marrow shot and then another today. So we headed back up to the hospital and had the one shot and it actually went pretty fast so that was nice. So today we have to head up there at 11am for her second one. I'm not sure what is going to happen next. I would imagine that she would have to have more blood tests tomorrow and then the next day to see how she is doing. So I will let you all know what we find out. Her poor body is just so tired but I know that I have told you all this numerous times... Well thanks for checking in and please keep her in your prayers. Love, Cindi

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18th

My Niece's Birthday!!! :)

Hi to all, Just wanted to drop you a quick line and let you know how Jess is doing. She has been super tired and fatigued. Don't know if it was just from the stress of the trip or if it is her white cell count. So I guess that tomorrows blood test will let us know. She also seems to be fighting a bladder infection so Im sure that that tires her out. I will let you know tomorrow night if we find out anything more. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Friday, July 16, 2010

July 16th

Sorry about that last post in yellow. My computer shows the background in green so I can read it fine... but after a couple of you said that it was hard to read I happen to get on the blog with Jessi's laptop and it was a kinda gray background and wow was it hard to read.. lol Soooo.. Well we got home about 8pm tonight. It seemed like a long drive. Got a call from Jessi's Medford doctor on the way home. It seems like her white blood count is super low again... figures! Portland apologized for not looking at it closer so they called Medford to let them know. It seems like it always hits about a week after chemo and it really has never picked up on its own so it really didn't surprise me at all to hear this. So we have to go into Klamath Monday morning to get blood drawn again to check it. She might need those bone marrow shots again. It kinda sucks to get good news and then we have to keep going like we have before. If everything looks good this Monday, then next Monday she will have to have her IV chemo plus ANOTHER spinal!! But we understand why but really don't like it.. So I will let you all know how it goes. She sure is super tired so it would be nice to get a couple of weeks off but who knows.... Oh this is something funny... Jon (Jessi's husband) was watching a show on the Learning channel maybe and it was on bone marrow transplant and he thought that the place look familiar and then the doctor walked in to do the procedure and it was Jessi's doctor from up there... lol Kinda amusing.. :) So he taped it to show Jess... Well I'm off for now. I will let you know how she is doing. Thanks again for all your prayers and positive thoughts! It seems like she will still be needing you all :) Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Hi All!!

Wow, are we beat! Long drive up here and then tests all day yesterday and then blood and doctor visit today. You can't help being a little worried. That doubt I can't just get rid of. I talked to Jess about it and she felt the same. Tests went okay but it was just a long day. We finally got back to the hotel around 8:30 last night. We asked yesterday for the cd's of all of her scans and tests so we had to pick them up today too. There ended up being 7 of them and like 14 pages of written ones. It was interesting to read but also a little nerve racking I feel to read this stuff about your daughter.... The Portland doctor wanted us to get these for the doctors down in Medford. We also had brought up all the chemo and blood tests from Medford and gave them to him. He seemed really excited to have them.. lol Well she is still in remission!! We were really happy to hear it again. We were hoping for no chemo but we knew from before that she was going to have to have a total of 2 years of it. It was cute cause he was worried about Jess hearing this and she basically already knew it. Sooo.. she has to have chemo until November of 2011. They said that because she had had so much cancer in her that that was the reason why and we totally understand. We don't want it coming back. If she would of only had cancer in one spot that she would be done but since she didn't that is why. But he said that it will be lower doses so that she will hopefully be able to live a basically normal life. But it is still spinals, pills and IV pushes so still a little of everything. He said that she could take a couple of weeks off but that was about it. He doesn't want anything to go wrong. He talked all of this over with a pediatrician so it is nice to know that it isn't just his decision. Well I'm off for now. Im so tired all over.. lol If I think of anything else I will tell you all tomorrow. If you guys want to know anything drop me a line. Thanks for keeping her in your prayers. Love you all, Cindi

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

July 13th

Good Morning!!

I just found out that I can change the color of my fonts on these pages so I'm having fun so bear with me... lol So it is Portland today...Excited and nervous, just can't help it. Pat, Rob & Jon are staying home to work and to take care of the animals. We (Jess, Shane & I) are planning on leaving right after lunch so that when we get up there it is hopefully past the rush hour. Jess can't have anything to drink or eat 6 hrs prior to her tests tomorrow at 2pm so I will make sure that she eats before that... We have MRI and PET scans tomorrow, then blood and seeing the doctor about the results on Thurs. I will let you all know asap! Thanks so much. Please keep her in your prayers bunches these next couple of days :) Love to all, Cindi xoxo

Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12th

Well Jess had a super long weekend... She was very happy by last night but also extremely wore out. These horse shows are what she loves to do and she had gotten this new horse last year and really hasn't been able to show him with all that has happened. So even though she hasn't been able to ride him much she still took him this weekend. On Sat he was acting up with her and it made me nervous but she stuck with it. On Sunday we both feel like he redeemed himself with how he acted.. Plus Sunday was her favorite class, western pleasure so that made her really happy and that is the best therapy. :) She came home last night and took a nice long nap.. lol But anyways, I called Portland and confirmed all her tests and appointments this morning so we are already to go tomorrow. Excited and nervous all at once. But I will sure let you guys all know what goes on. Thanks so much for checking in. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all and God bless, Cindi

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Hi All!! Just a very quick note to just let you all know how everything is going. Jess went to her horse show today but it is just way to hot for her there. She really didn't feel good this afternoon. I don't think that it helped that her horse was acting up. Don't know why he was... Oh well hopefully when we get back from Portland she can get him back into a schedule and get him back on track. I'm not really worried about him at this point..small potatoes considering my life lately.. lol So I just tried to keep Jess hydrated and some food in her stomach so hopefully it would help her some. She is back at it tomorrow so I will be stressed again! I tell ya is a fun trip time when we can. We will sure need it. Well I will let you all know how it goes. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Well Jess has been up and down. I think that it is just her having chemo on Tues and then ending the 2 weeks of chemo pills. I think that everyday she will get stronger and stronger. The heat seems to bother her and the doctor had said to try to stay out of it as much as she could but she really wants to ride and get ready for a couple of horse shows so it has been kinda hard to keep her in :) I was just sitting down right before dinner when my phone rang and I could see that it was a call from Portland... I was like oh oh what is up.. It was one of the Physicians Assistants from the hospital up there. She helps out Doctor K up there and she actually gave Jess one of her first spinals.. Yay! lol But she actually called with good news, she said that Jess was tentatively set up for a bone marrow biopsy next Weds with her other tests but when they checked with Doctor K he said that it wasn't necessary! Wow, finally something goes Jess's way this month.. :) She said that he said that since she had no indication of cancer cells in there the first time that there was no reason to do it. When I called Jess to let her know she was so excited! So I just wanted you all to know. I will let you go and thanks for checking up on Jess. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Good Morning Everyone!!

Well chemo went quick yesterday it seemed...Maybe cause it was the last one!!! YAY!! Well until we find out what she is going to have for the two years of maintenance.. But we feel like we have gotten over a big hurdle. A lot of people asked what is next, what is next but we have no idea and we didn't want to know. We take one prodicol at a time. Don't want to get to far ahead of ourselves. We will find it all out next week in Portland with her head doctor who decides everything. But yesterday seemed like a snap! Her blood was higher than last time but still low than what it should be but with no chemo for a while I'm sure that it will pick itself up pretty quick. Her body just has been so tired from all that it has taken so far. Wow, what a journey.... So the doc in Medford was wondering what was going to be happening in Portland too. I guess that they don't get together much. They kinda do their own thing unless something happens. Medford gets a road map though that is sent down by Portland so they just do that and that is about it or if something happens to Jess they deal with it but they also check in with Portland... Sooo, he brought up that Portland would be doing a bone marrow biopsy to finish things up!!!??? We have never heard of it but he said that that is usually how they finish up..Hmmm.. So I'm not to sure. Jess wasn't very happy to hear of it and said that she didn't want it. It was so painful for her but if Portland wants it and says that it is necessary then I'm sure that she will get it done. :( But I put in a call up there to see what was up. Well I'm off for now. Thanks so much for checking in. I will let you all know how she is doing. Please keep up the prayers. Love, Cindi

Monday, July 5, 2010

July 5th

Good morning all, hope that you had a very good 4th. We went down to Jessi's in-laws and had a really good time. Nice little crowd, good food and lots of laughs :) Jess had a pretty good day. She couldn't get out there and play v-ball so that was a bummer cause I know how much she loves it but that it a little much right now. She did go down and get a gym membership so she can start working out when she can. So that is a good start with also riding her horse. He is a work out. Some people don't realize how much work goes into these pleasure horses. She is always tired after giving him a good workout. Yesterday Jess only started getting kinda sickly after taking her chemo pills. She is usually at home and takes them and heads to bed so we were thinking then she prolly doesn't notice them much that way. But she took them at the party last night cause she has to take them at the same time every night but last night they made her sick for the night. Not enough to throw up but that awful feeling so I felt bad for her. But other than that she had a good night. She can rest up today and then tomorrow we are back off to Medford and chemo... but after that hopefully no more until after we go to Portland!! :) Oh, and I think that she has 3 more days of pills..... not sure cause she kept going off of them when she wasn't doing good. Well I will let you all go. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!

Forgot to tell you all about what happened the other day at Wal-Mart! I only let the pop/beer cans get so full around here before it is time to take them in. So I went in with Shane and Jess. Well of course there was only a couple people in there but all of the bins were full or broken. So Shane left to go tell them and look around. Well they finally get some of them going and Jess and I get started. Plus there is an older guy down at the other end. All of a sudden a older obese greasy woman in a motorized cart is like pushing my cart and telling me to move and I'm telling her that that was is broken and the others they are just getting started so she starts like trying to reach up and throw her plastic bottle in the hole but it just isn't accepting that brand and she keeps trying and trying and mumbling under her breath. So she says to me Go see if that guy is done. I'm like wow rude bitch but I wander down there and tell his whats up and he says that he is almost done so I come back and tell her and she says not him..HIM! and she points right at Jess!! I'm like that is my daughter... She says well she should look more like a girl! and Jess says You did not just call me a guy! I have cancer, and that lady says so!! Oh wow then it started. She told Jess to grow out her hair and not wear a hat so that people could see that she was a girl and that she has had cancer and look at her and three of her friends have had cancer and they never looked like her. It was like so freaking crazy!! I yelled at her some but Jess let her have it but that lady didn't care she keep cussing and cussing at her. Jess says look at my face....Do I look like a guy (Jess has all her makeup on perfect) and she was like I can't see it with that damn hat pulled over your eyes!! It was like out of a movie or something. Shane came back and was like Wow but he really didn't know what was going on. Jess and that lady was screaming at the tops of their lungs now at each other and we kept trying to ignore her and then she would say something stupid or mean about Jess again. Jess keep telling her to shut up and quit being stupid and she was calling us stupid bitches.. Wow, you all should of been there. Then I got to laughing so hard cause I couldn't believe this woman! It was so insane!! but I could also see that it bothered Jess... That is what we get for going to Wally World I guess... Well you all have a super 4 th of July!! Thanks goes out to all of our veterans and troops. May God keep them safe. Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1st! Wow has time been flying...

Good evening all!

Well Jess felt a lot better today. Yesterday she was super tired and just not feeling up to par. She took long naps all day. I tried to make sure that she was drinking some yogurt drinks and Boosts. These pills seem to take her appetite away even though Jess says "Dang it, I'm not losing any weight though! " lol I think that this darn steroid weight might be hard to get off..... She came over today and we did some stuff around town and she washed her horse. She had to take breaks now and then but she got it done. I'm kinda worried about her showing him at the show July 11th-12th but she is bound and determined to do it. I think that I have her talked into just western though at least so that makes me happy. English is hard to ride with no strength and I don't need her coming off of a horse. But anyways she is taking her chemo pills everyday. I think that she has about 5 days left so not bad. But anyways I will let you go. I will let you know how she is doing tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Morning everyone!

Well Jess and I had a super long night..... Headed over for chemo yesterday and found out that not only are her white cells still low but also her red blood cells were getting super low too!! :( So after chemo at the cancer center, we had to head to the hospital where they actually admitted her and put her in an Oncology room where we stayed until after 11 last night and she received 2 units of blood. So we didn't get home until after 1 am last night. We would of stayed the night but we didn't have anything with us. So it would of been a pain for both of us. But the blood sure made her feel better today. No wonder she has been starting to crash lately. We didn't even think about her reds being low.... We also asked about her chemo pills... Wow, we got a little in trouble from our favorite PA ! (Jess's doctor is on vacation) He told us in no way was she not to take these pills. They were part of the prodical and he wasn't going to get yelled at from Jess's doctor up north... So she has to take them tonight about an hour after dinner. She is supposed to take them the same time every night for some reason. I'm not really sure to tell you the truth. But anyways... She is done with IV chemo for this week and only has the pills and then we have to be back in Medford next Tues for the next round. So hopefully she feels better this week. I will keep you all informed. Thanks again for checking in and please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Monday, June 28, 2010


Good Evening Everyone!

Well Jess has been feeling a little under the weather since she has started those chemo pills. I wish that she could just be done with them. They make her feel so blucky. We had to go today to get her blood drawn up at the cancer center here in Klamath so that we would know if she was good enough to go to Medford tomorrow. But they called up and said that her white blood count was low again :( So they were supposed to talk to the doctor and call us back but when she called back it was for something else and now we don't know if we are going tomorrow or not.... So I told Jess to not stay up late and get up early and give them a jingle about 8 am and find out. At least her appointments aren't until 12:45 for blood drawn (which would they still do since she did it today?) and 2:00 pm for chemo. So we wouldn't have to leave Klamath until about 11:00 am. So we do have some time in the morning to find out. She sure is ready to be done with all this strong chemo and just get to the maintenance ones (hopefully they aren't to bad!) So I will let you all know what we find out tomorrow and please keep her in your prayers! Thanks so much for checking in. Love to all, Cindi

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Thanks to you all for dropping me a line and letting me know that you are checking in :) It is hard to write this everyday without anyone just letting me know that someone is reading.... :) So thanks again! Well Friday went okay. She still isn't feeling up to par and so it is hard for me to watch her get chemo when she isn't feeling good. We think that it has a lot to do with the chemo pills because when we read the side effects Wow, is there a lot! But the oncology nurse kept asking her if she was okay and she kept saying that she was fine. The nurse also was telling me how strong of a girl she is. He said that he has been amazed watching and treating her. Which didn't surprise me in the least! :) So we headed home and I was so happy that we were done for the week..... On the way home though she laid her head on my shoulder and that just makes me choke up. She will always be my little girl and I so wish that I could take this all away for her. So I stay up late watching a movie with Rob thinking that I could sleep in and I get a call at 5:15 am from Jess, that she isn't feeling good and that she has a temp!! So Shane heads over to pick her up and I start to get ready as then we head to Rogue's ER. They did all sorts of blood tests and a chest x-ray to make sure that everything was okay but she still had a temp when we leave but not as bad. So they tell us to keep an eye on her and if she gets bad again we will have to go back there or into Sky Lakes. She has also been having shortness of breath, chest pains, chills, fatigue and sweats. This doesn't surprise me that she has been having symptoms and not telling anyone but I can only scold her so much. As it turned out they did decide that it must be her pills because they couldn't find anything else out in the blood cultures. We did find out though that her white blood count had come back up since Tues so that was awesome news in all of this. It kinda amazed me with all the chemo that she has been getting and it still came up but it goes back to her being the strong girl :) But anyways I will let you all go. Thanks so much for checking in. I'm beat and ready to put my feet up. Please keep her in your prayers. Love you all, Cindi

Friday, June 25, 2010


Morning everyone!

Well yesterday was a hard day too. Jess ended up being sick to her stomach all night long and then on our way to Medford. I had to stop to let her get out... She is going through so much already and to add this, just makes me so upset. So once they accessed her port they gave her some anti nausea medicine for what she was feeling and plus for the new chemo that they were going to give her but it just didn't help so the nurse had to go find the doctor and they gave her a pill under her tongue which helped so much! So then they called that in for a prescription in Klamath so that we could pick it up on our way home. So it obviously made her sleepy on the way home cause as soon as we headed down the road she was out and under the blanket. Oh I had forgotten that she hadn't ate anything but grapes all day so after chemo she actually felt good enough to have some french fries and ice cream :) then she feel asleep! lol It makes for a long trip though without her to talk to :( But I was sure glad that she ate and then she rested cause then today we have the same thing all over again! Whew, am I getting tired but like Ive always said. I think of her and how strong she is being and it makes me push myself too. But anyways, I will let you all go. Please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Well yesterday felt sooooo long!! My body is actually stiff and sore so I know that Jess's must be twice as bad. We got over to the hospital for her spinal which was a nightmare even though she had the good doctor. He just couldn't get it to go. So he had to numb her spine in 3 places and try to get the big needle to go. Needless to say she was super sore and exhausted after the procedure. She said that he was very kind and kept talking to her and trying to make it easier but it still hurt a lot! She is hoping that she doesn't have to have a spinal ever again! I'm thinking that it was number 18 :( Then we had to wait for chemo at 2 and that took over 2 hours with the pre-meds, fluids & then the chemo. Some nice friends invited us for dinner afterwards over there but Jess was to exhausted and wow she sure was. After I drove her home and then I got home and did some stuff around the house I felt miserable and so sore. But anyways, we have to be back over there at 2 today so I don't know if I will need to go pick her up this morning. There was no way that she could drive last night so Pat drove her pickup home and I picked him up... Well please keep her in your prayers today. Oh I forgot that she also had to start her 3 chemo pills a day last night too! :( So I will let you all know how it goes and drop me a line if you can and let me know if you guys are reading. Thanks so much! Love, Cindi

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tues the 22nd

Hi All,

Went to chemo this morning about 8. We ran a little late cause of the road construction so we will need to leave a little earlier tomorrow morning. Jess's white cells were down again but they are pushing to get this week of chemo done. They were a 16 last Thurs after the shots and they were a 3 today. Before the shots they were a 1. So her body is really wore out. It bothers me that we are doing chemo but Jess wants to get it over with too. They wouldn't do it if it was lower but since it isn't yet they will do it but wow what a long week. She has her chemo pills for 2 weeks, IV chemo for four days and a spinal tomorrow. I feel wiped out tonight and I can only imagine what she is feeling like. She keeps telling me how she wants to take a trip far far away when this is done.. lol I totally understand!! So I will let you all know how she does tomorrow. We have to be over there at 10:30 for the spinal at the hospital and then 2pm for chemo so it will be a super long day.... I will let you all go and I need to get relaxed and ready for bed. Please keep her in your prayers! Love to all, Cindi

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sat 19 of June

Well today is Sat the 19th and it is my husband's Pat birthday! So him and the boys went camping up at the Sycan for the weekend!!! Exciting!! :) Jess and I have been hanging out at my house doing girly things :D Riding horses when she feels like it, watching movies and just relaxing. So it has been really nice. The doctor called her yesterday and said that her counts had come up enough so that she doesn't have to give blood anymore this week plus no more shots!! So we both were pretty happy. So the next thing in store will be going over to Medford on Tues morning for blood count and chemo plus she will have to be starting her chemo pills for two weeks if everything is going alright. So I will keep you all informed. Please keep Jess in your prayers. She is still getting tired off and on so she is going to try to make some nutritional smoothies to help her out. So that is all for now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thurs June 17th

Well not much to report today. Jess is on and off with how she is feeling. She wants to do so much and get back into shape but if she does a lot on the one day she is feeling like heck that evening and most of the time the next day. I totally understand how she is feeling. She has two big horse shows in July that she really wants to ride in. And that is what she lives for. So I'm hoping that we can get these white cells up and the chemo done so we can go up to Portland and get her scans done. Then we can see what the next two years will bring. Hopefully something not to hard on her. Yesterday we went and had her blood drawn up at the cancer center and then her other bone marrow shot up at the hospital. We have to have her blood drawn again tomorrow and hopefully we get good news. So I will let you all go. Thanks so much for checking up on her. Please keep her in your prayers. XOXO Cindi

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday the 15th

Well we headed over to Medford this morning only to find out that her white blood count was worse! Even after the two marrow shots.. The doctor seemed surprised but told us that her body has been through a heck of a lot and it is just tired... So they had already accessed her port so they took that out and gave her another marrow shot and sent us home. Why couldn't her little body of held off for about another week..:( So tomorrow we have to go up to the cancer center and hospital for blood drawn and another shot then blood drawn again on Fri. So hopefully she picks up or I don't know what they are going to do. We have to really keep an eye on her temperature to make sure that it doesn't go over 100.5 or it is off to the ER. She can so easily catch anything right now so it is watching what she eats and everyone washing their hands, plus her too. So it was definitely not the news we had hoped to hear today. So that also puts us back another week to go to Portland. So please keep her in your prayers and I will let you all know how she does tomorrow. Thanks for checking in. Love to all, Cindi

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday the 14th

Morning all!!

Well Jess had to have another bone marrow shot Sat morning before we took off for Bend. Between the two of them she ended up feeling like she was major stiff and sore and kinda like when you work out hard and everything aches... She also got a little tired up there but all in all I feel like it was really good to get her out and visiting. I know that if felt good for me mentally. I also didn't know that I like to karaoke! lol But anyways we head to Medford tomorrow morning for chemo. Please keep her in your prayers as we are hoping that her white cell count is up and she can get started on chemo so we can get it done! The doctor said that two bone shots aren't bad but after that they can get painful and she might have to use some pain meds so we are hoping that they have come up now. So we will find out tomorrow around 10:30 so I will let you know how it goes. Thanks so much for checking in and I will update tomorrow night. Love to all, Cindi

Friday, June 11, 2010

Fri the 11th

Well we headed up about eleven this morn to get Jess's blood drawn for her white blood count up at the cancer center. She said the tech did a better job so that was good to hear. I hate to know that it is hurting her. We then did a couple things around town and then went out to my house to pick up one of her horses to start getting them moved down to her house. We were at her house for about an hour when Jess's doctor office called and said that her count was still way to low and that she was going to have to get the bone marrow shots and we had to be up at Sky Lakes infusium center to get the shot in an hour. So away we went! She said that it stung a little and we have to be back up there in the morning at eight to get another one! :( So hopefully these will help her get back on track....The said to expect bone aches and some pain so if we can't handle it with over the counter that they would give her something stronger. She had also received her chemo pills which she has to take for two weeks and three times a day!! Yuck! But with her counts they also put those off until we see the doctor on Tues again. We will then try our 4 days of chemo plus her spinal and pills!! I kinda hope that we can get going so we can get them done but another part of me hates to see her go through this but I know that we have to sooo.... Well please keep her in your prayers!! Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Don't know who saw this thank you so I decided to post it :)

The family of Jessica Kelly-Unruh would like to give thanks to all the support that they have received for their daughter who is battling cancer. Jessi is a 21 yr old 2007 graduate of Bonanza High School. In Sept 2009 she married 25 yr old Jonathan Unruh of Malin, a 2003 graduate of Lost River High School. In Oct 2009 she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. She has been receiving treatments and tests in Portland at OHSU and in Medford at the cancer treatment center for the last nine months and is now in remission. Because of the severity of her cancer, treatments and tests are required for the next two years between the two cities. The support has been strong with lots of prayers and help from their community and the surrounding communities. Sorry that we can't mention everyone but please know that we do appreciate you. Here are a few: The Bonanza School, Big Springs Market, SEOPHC, Mr Vieira and his six graders, Ashley Petersen & Sam Gallagher, Tim, Tom and Jim Cuthbertson, Haley Cantrell, Malin Cafe, Lost River School, Big R, Bonanza Fire Dept, Heather Nichols, Mike & Diane Tyrholm, Kingsley Air Base are just a few of the supporters. There is also lots of family and friends and we can't thank you enough. Help is still being accepted and needed as the family travels to and from treatments and tests. There is an account set up at South Valley Bank 5215 S 6th Street, Klamath Falls, Or 97603 Attn: Jessica Kelly-Unruh Fund. The family states "We couldn't have done it so far without everyone's help, thank you"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Weds the 9th

Took Jess into the cancer center here in town to get her blood drawn. The ladies in there were very happy to see her there. It is funny but they act like Medford. They kept calling her "Their Girl" lol She said that it hurts to get it drawn since her veins are very deep and tiny (plus some of the chemo's affect them) They weren't allowed to use her port since they aren't qualified to do so :( Bummer... So I headed out to look around as she got it done and asked if they had a wig room. They were very happy to tell me that they did so when Jess got done we went in and looked around. We ended up finding one so now she has a short one and a long one. So that made her happy which in turn makes me happy. lol She called Medford since they wanted the results pronto so hopefully they got them later today or in the morning so that we can see how her blood is doing. We are hoping that all is well so that she doesn't need to get the shots. Jess also told me that the chemo pills finally got approved so she will get them delivered to her house tomorrow sometime. With approval they are still $50 but that is a heck of a lot better than $500! But with taking them we now have more chemo going in to her so I'm a little worried what her blood will do then. These type of pills always seem to do a number on her insides and last time ended her up in the hospital so lets keep our fingers crossed and prayers said so that this doesn't happen. Well I will let you know if we find out anything tomorrow. Thanks for checking in and please keep her in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi