Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27th

Hi All!

Well thank the Lord that Jess's tests came out negative on her chest...I was reading up on it and Lymphoma most of the time starts in the chest area and with a cough so I was so happy to have everything come back normal and them just thinking that her cold is lingering with all the yucky stuff going around and her low resistance. If not our butts would of been up at OHSU! Fun! Her liver levels were low so she is thinking that is whats been causing her nausea lately..they cut down on her Monday chemo tho to compensate. So she will go in again tomorrow to check it. Then next Monday the 4th is her big round of chemo again..I swear every time I think that we are down to once every 3 months they tell us we just aren't there yet.. So I will take her next Monday for her IV and spinal chemo.. It just makes me sick to take her cause I know it hurts so bad..Hopefully one day this will all just be a bad dream..dang it..

I don't have anything new to report for Rob.. Not much is happening over there so this is a good thing.. :) He should be home about June 15th we hope! Just after his 25th birthday :)

Well thanks for checking in. Please keep Rob and Jess in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


March 23rd

Hello All,

Just got back from Medford. Jess still had that horrible cough after this round of medicine so the doctor wanted us to go over for a CT scan of her chest and bunch of blood tests.. Found out so far that her liver is acting up again so they cut her back on her chemo for a round and her scan we won't know about until later today or tomorrow as they had to send it across to the hospital for a reading. Not sure what they are looking for but they said that we might have to go up to OHSU to meet with a pulmonary specialist. I brought up that there was lots of them in Oregon closer but they said no way... With Jess and what she has been through that they would only send her to the best.. So we shall see... It was an early and tiring trip..

Rob is doing good it seems..His hand is healing and he has a good mind set. I know that he is more than ready to come home but he knows that he is a little over half way done so I think that is good for him mentally. I'm going to get him another pkg ready to go since I feel that it is important for him. Well I'm off for now. Please keep Rob & Jess in your prayers and thanks for checking in. Love to all, Cindi

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Either a shirt or like a ribbon on your shirt :) Thanks!

March 19th

Hi Everyone!

Everything is about the same.. Jess was feeling a bit under the weather tho yesterday and we figured out the time and it is from her Monday chemo pills..they seem to take three days to kick in and bother her. She was laying on the couch all day and she even had to take anti nausea pills too and she doesn't have to do that very often. So I haven't heard from her yet today so hopefully all is well. She is getting sick of being in the house a lot but aren't we all.. lol She is getting her horses moved to a barn close to me to board for a little while.. I think that it will be really good for her. She won't have to worry about them outside in the mud and she will be able to ride everyday if she wants. Very good mental stuff I feel.

Rob is about the same too. Very happy that he just passed his half way point. Very bored over there so I sent some fun books with games in them for him to do. Not sure if he will like them but hopefully he will. Also sent some healthy snacks for him. Would sure like it if some of my friends and family could just send him a card or note to let him know that we are thinking of him over here.

Just a quick note on Shane too...He is trying to get into the Air Guard like his bro but let me tell you he is having a heck of a time. Everything keeps going wrong it seems. So please keep all 3 of my kids in your prayers. Love to all and thanks for checking in. Cindi

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 12

Sorry I haven't been on lately...Time just gets away from me.. but everything has been going better..Jess has been getting over her sickness and her last Monday chemo...It seemed to really upset her stomach this time so I'm not sure what was up with that. But she has been riding her horse a lot more and I think that it helps because I'm riding now with her which is so good for both of us :) She got her hair cut and dyed with bright red in it and it looks so cute on her..and it also gave her a little pick me up so that is always helpful!

Rob is on his half way mark today...His hand is still yukky so I told him that he needs to go back to the doctor and have it rechecked.. It was so cool because he finally got the web cam that Jess & Jon got him for Christmas before he left hooked up so we actually got to talk to him face to face!! It made me bawl! It was so good to finally see him :)

Well I'm off for now. Please keep Rob and Jess in your prayers. Thanks so much for checking in..Love to all, Cindi

Saturday, March 5, 2011

March 5

Morning All,

Don't know if this is appropiate but I want to mention a special day in my heart..
Yesterday would of been my nephew Bobby's birthday...and it just makes me realize how precious life is...I miss him so much and I remember all the good times we had together as he was growing up...I was the 4H Aunt! lol :) So please think of my sister and her family <3

Rob has been having a little homesick issue I feel talking to him and I can only imagine how he feels over there away from everyone. They can't leave the base and it is just the same old thing day after day. But he is almost half way done tho so that is awesome. If anyone has time please drop him a letter, card, package please. Just to let him know that we are thinking of him over here and give him a little taste of home. I will put his address on here again.

Jess is feeling a lot better..Still has a lil cough/cold but it sure has improved with the medicine! So I'm very happy to report that :) We head over for chemo Monday morn...I need to look at her papers but I think that this is just her IV chemo...I don't think that we have a spinal again until the beginning of April...So hopefully it is an easy day for her. Those are always nice. Well I'm off for now. So please keep everyone in your prayers. Thanks for checking in. Love to all, Cindi

Robert Masten
APO AE 09353

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1st

Evening Everyone!

Just a quick note to let you all know how everything is going... Rob is still the same..Doing pretty good now that his hand is feeling a lot better. It was a scary ordeal for me over here I'll tell you that.. Especially since they weren't sure how he had gotten it in his hand...But everything is good now so I'm happy :) I'm also getting him another box of stuff ready to go over there...he likes getting stuff and he shares it with some of the other guys so I will try to do it every 3 weeks or so since that is how long it takes to get over there.

Jess is doing a lot better with her cough/cold and I'm very very pleased with that!! She got her Z pack antibiotics and a prescription cough medicine which is helping her sleep at night. So that is really good news! plus her blood test came back good on her liver yesterday so she is taking her extra chemo pill tonight so hopefully we are getting her back on track with everything. We have her chemo over in Medford next Monday..Wow, does time fly. Seems like she just had it. Well I'm off for now. Thanks for checking in. Please keep the kids in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi xoxo