Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 4th

Hi Everyone!!

Well last Tuesday's chemo went well... It was a short day so it wasn't to bad at all. Plus her blood levels were good so that makes me feel better. This was the end of this last prodicol so now we have to make a trip up to Portland. She has a big day of chemo on June 27th with the spinal and the IV and then Portland at the end of July. I put in a call to make the appt and they were going to check with the doctor to see if he wanted to do all of her scans again since it had been a year since the last ones. So I will let you know about that. Now we just have blood every other Monday to keep an eye on her liver.

Well Rob is getting very antsy. He said that they time is going so slow over there. I hate to see him so unhappy.. They still have never given him an exact date on when he is leaving. They aren't letting any of the military off of the base over there anymore because they have been having some problems with the locals so I'll be sure happy when he gets the heck out of there. But hopefully it will be about the 15th or sooner... We will then have a party here for him :)

Well I'm off for now. Thanks for checking in! Please keep them both in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, May 26, 2011

May 26th


Don't know if anyone is reading this anymore but just a quick update...

Jess is still doing the same...she has her good and bad days with the chemo still. Her liver levels have been up and down so they have still been adjusting her chemo levels. Still taking chemo everyday with a extra different kind on Mondays. This Tues in Medford she gets her IV chemo only. She is super excited that she doesn't have the spinal this month! I will be calling the doctor in Portland to set up an appt for July and I'm thinking all the scans will be redone to make sure that everything is going okay still. I think that she looks better all the time though. Her hair is growing good and she has been trimming off all the steroid weight. She still has more to lose but she looks fantastic :)

Rob is a anxious to be home now. He is down to 3 weeks finally. Hopefully he will be back in the states on June 15th. Not sure of the exact day home yet but we are planning a coming home party on the 18th. It is his 25th birthday on the 10th and Pat's 50th on the 19th so we have lots to celebrate! Come on by...Just let me know.

Thanks so much for checking in and please keep them in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May 11th

Hey Everyone!

Thought about getting on here a few times to do an update and then something would pop up..I swear I have been super busy since we have moved Jess's horses into town. Her place was super muddy and she wanted to get her's ready to show so she took her new horse and her old one into a barn here in town. This way she comes in like every other day to ride when she feels okay..if not I go in and ride or lunge one and then I will work the other.. I can't believe how busy that this has made me...I feel like I have a second job! But she has been having good and bad days like always...especially when she takes her Monday, that one is nasty.. But she had a really good spinal last time so I have to thank everyone for all their prayers and positive energy that they did for her. Our next chemo is May 31st...Jess was upset that it was in the same month but with May having 31 days I think that that is why it has happened... But other than that everything is about the same.. Her hair is getting long so she is super happy about that... She is mad cause it is in the out of control stage that you go through when you are growing your hair long.. lol

Well Rob is counting down the days until he comes home! I think that we are down to 34...He has been having it rough over there mentally so I think that this is good for him that he is almost done... I keep praying for him and sending him positive energy to help him make it. We will have a coming home party so let me know if you would like to help out or come :)

Well I'm off for now. Please keep both the kids in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3rd

Hi All,

Well we made it through the big day of chemo...All went pretty well for a chemo day! I wrote a note that we were headed out on Facebook and I feel like all my prayer warriors did their job cause Jess feels like that was her best spinal yet and before they had been getting worse and worse so hopefully she still feels good in a couple of days..She felt super tired today but with all that she went through that doesn't surprise me.. Her white blood count was up and her liver count was better so it was a pretty good day... the doctor told us that she was watching her liver closely so that it would still be good after all this chemo is over!. So please keep her in your prayers to keep feeling good and keep her healing and keep that damn cancer away..

Rob wrote to me on Facebook this morning and let me know that he really wanted to video chat tonight about 6 our time...he is really having some homesickness so if you could drop him a note on Facebook to let him know that your thinking of him I would really appreciate it! :) He will hopefully be out of there on June 15th so lets keep our fingers crossed for that! Please also pray to give him the strength to finish out the last month and a half and for safe travels home..

Well I'm off for now. Thanks for checking in. Love to all, Cindi

Thursday, April 28, 2011

April 28th

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to drop a few lines and tell you how the kids are doing... Jess has been having her up and down days...Liver is just always on the verge of acting up.. So her dosage of chemo on Monday has been reduced some. She has been having some nausea and back pain from the spinals... and guess what? We have another big round of chemo this coming Monday :( So we have IV chemo and spinal one this coming Monday...Im really lost on the count of spinals..I know that it is in the high 20's! Im sure that she will then have June off of the spinal and then back to one in July and that month we have to go up to Portland for all the yearly scans I do believe...So I will let you all know how that is going..

Rob is very eager to come home. About a month and a half left!! yay!! :) I have another package to send him this weekend..I was going to send it last weekend but friends of ours (Irvin & Karen) sent him one and so did the base so that was super nice of them! He really appreciated the snacks, books and letters :) Well I'm off for now. Thanks so much for checking in. Please keep them both in your prayers! Love to all! Cindi

Thursday, April 21, 2011

April 21st

Hi Everyone!

Don't know if anyone is reading this anymore but I decided to pop on here and have a little update...

Jess has been feeling a lil down and out..the weather up here has been horrible so I'm not sure if she just needs to get out and get some fresh air or the chemo is bothering her more than normal... I try to talk to her but she is super quiet so I don't know what to do... Ive been riding horses with her a lot now inside so I'm hoping that that will help :) She has still been doing the same chemo everyday and Monday.. We now have our big round again on May 2nd in Medford.. Her back has sure been bothering her lately so I'm really dreading this..thank goodness she has been having her very fav doctor do them so I feel that this really helps her mentally.

Rob has been doing the same..really anxious to get back home.. I keep sending packages for some moral booster :) He is now under 2 months!! He will be home right after his 25th birthday on June 10th!

Well I'm off for now..please keep them both in your prayers and send positive thoughts to Jess please :) <3 Thanks for checking in! Love to all, Cindi

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12th

Evening everyone!

Well the last week has kinda been a long one... Jess's back really hurt her and her stomach just kinda felt nauseous a lot.. I don't know how in the heck she is going to do about 5-6 more spinals...The poor thing can hardly walk around as it is... and then We have another at the beginning of May! She had her blood taken yesterday to check for the Monday chemo.. The didn't get back with her until tonight because we found out today that Dr Taylor was out of the office until today.. She only gets to take 30 mg since her liver levels are still running high... So she will take that and usually by Thurs or Friday she will be feeling a bit under the weather... So other than that everything is about the same with her... Rob is still the same too..Not much happening over there and that is a good thing! lol Well I'm off for now. Thanks for checking in. Please keep them both in your prayers. Love to all, Cindi